INAF queue observing, 2013 June 11-12
Observer: F. Cusano, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC -MODS
At the sunset clear sky. Only some cloud to the horizon.
During the first part of the night some thin cirrus passed through
Seeing around 1".
Strange feature (we assume to be a moth) is visibile in some red frames.
(frame 3 of 1.ob, frame 1 of 2.ob, frame 1to4 of 3.ob)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
hz44 |
Blue grating |
Sommariva_31 |
1625-2648 |
Blue grating |
2.5h |
Last exposure has variable seeing |
Bedin_29 E |
NGC6819-bf |
V-Bessel i-Sloan |
02:32 The TO opens the dome
Start using MODS
03:23 Start with Sommariva standard
- acqMODS hz44.acq
- Send offset dx=-0.615 by hand for standard acquisition
03:34 execMODS hz44.obs
03:47 acqMODS n1625_mos.acq
04:05 Redo acquisition using only slit 1 and 4 (due to proper motion of the other stars)
- Refine the acquisition because star 1 seems not perfectly aligned
- Looks good now
04:14 execMODS n1625_1.obs
- dimm sseing ~1"
- dimm seeing is bit worse ~1.2"
04:18 execMODS n1625_2.obs
05:50 Some clouds passed
06:23 execMODS n1625_3.obs
06:56 Aborted second exposure of Sommariva to switch to LBC
07:12 Run the focus OB
07:28 is not well done (the red image is missing)
07:35 Select another pointing OB from default dir
07:36 Run WT10_332.ob
07:39 Run science OB: N6819_RunIDE_LONG1.ob
- dofpia
- 8:00 A strange feature appears on the 1chip of the 3th image in the red channel
08:14 dofpia
- Run science OB: N6819_RunIDE_LONG2.ob
- Same strange feature appears on the 2chip of the 1st image (always red channel). Moth in the filter wheel?
08:49 dofpia
- Run science OB: N6819_RunIDE_LONG3.ob
- Same strange feature appears in all red images, but the last
09:21 We run a script that moves the filter wheels in all positions
- Stopped at 09:22 for an error
- Error keeps hang LBC GUI and we are not able to run a new script
- Reset LBC ( and
- We created on fly a quick script which moves filters wheel. By this way we try to fix red channel problem, otherwise we have to move telescope to the horizon, close the dome and open the camera and fix the problem, ... (approx 1h, and we are next to the twilight)
- After script images now look good
09:29 dofpia
- Run science OB: N6819_RunIDE_LONG4.ob
- With the observation filter (i-Sloan) the feature is still there
10:03 Slew to the standard star (another attempt to fix the problem with moth)
- Images seem good, but in this case we have also a shorter exposure time
10:12 Slew back to the target
10:14 dofpia
- Run again science OB: N6819_RunIDE_LONG3.ob
- again the black spot, now on the upper part of the LBC field
- stopped at 10:29 after two exposures for each channel
10:20 Close the dome and try to check the camera
11:16 Open the dome again.
11:23 Back on sky, Try to acquire some flats.
- Run SkyFlat_Vi_r1921d+12_pa0_5.ob (x3)
- Run SkyFlat_Vi_r1921d+12_pa180_5.ob (x2)
- Run SkyFlat_Vi_r1921d+12_pa0_5.ob (x1)
- Run SkyFlat_Vi_r1921d+12_pa180_5.ob (x0.3)
- No more features in the red flats.
11:47 Slew to the horizon and close dome.
MarcoFumana - 12 Jun 2013