INAF queue observing, 2013 May 11-12
Observer: F. Cusano, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC - MODS
At the sunset clear sky. The secondary is working, we can use MODS in this night.
We start with LBC. At 07:44 we switch to MODS.
In the acquisition image of MODS the stars appear elongated, spent 2 hours in trying to solve the problem.
The TO closes the dome for high humidity.
Data Summary
02:30 The TO opens the dome
02:35 testing of secondary.
02:59 Secondary seems to work fine
03:00 Switch to LBC
03:22 slewing to Giallongo_27E (Seeing 1.1 arcsec)
03:23 launched CLJ1120+43_pointing.ob
03:25 dofpia, /first, /X2
03:31 lbcrangebal
03:37 dofpia, /X2
03:45 launched CLJ1120+43_GR_c.ob (seeing 1 arcsec)
04:25 dofpia, /X2
04:30 launched CLJ1120+43_GR_d.ob (seeing 1.2-1.4, clouds from 4:37 to 5:10)
05:11 dofpia, /X2
05:18 we repeat CLJ1120+43_GR_d.ob (still clouds, from 5:43 clear sky)
05:58 dofpia, /X2
06:04 launched CLJ1120+43_GR_e.ob (clear sky, seeing 1.2)
06:45 dofpia, /X2
06:50 launched CLJ1120+43_GR_f.ob, in the blue elongated stars, we stop at half of the ob last frames
07:12 the TO cleared the active optics; dofpia, /X2
07:18 launched CLJ1120+43_GR_f.ob (seeing 1.6)
07:44 Switch to MODS
08:07 slewing to standard star hz44; launched acqMODS hz44.acq
08:13 execMODS hz44.obs (seeing 1.0 arcsec)
08:30 slewing to Sommariva_31A; acqMODS n1625.acq; stars elongated in the acq image.
LBTO staff try to solve the problem.
10:20 they figured out the problem but the secondary it is not useable.
10:22 The TO closes the dome for high humidity.
FeliceCusano - 12 May 2013