INAF queue observing, 2013 May 10-11
Observer: F. Cusano, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC
At 0:30 UT the TO communicates us that the secondary mirror will be out of order up to the end of the observing run,
for this reason we can not use MODS.
At the sunset clouds covering all the sky with some snow.
During the night the weather condition improved and we opened the dome around 05:30.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Grazian_30A |
GOODS_Norht |
Uspec, r |
0.5h |
we repeated the ob twice, during the first execution there were clouds |
Photometric STD |
SA107 |
U, B, Uspec, g; V, r, i, I |
12 m |
Piotto_34B |
M13 |
B, V |
4.1m x 3.2m |
executed twice, the first set of red image was out of focus |
Piotto_34B |
M13 |
U, i |
100m x 59m |
completed |
Calibration |
sky flat |
g, r |
05:27 Open the dome
05:35 Slewing to grazian_30A
05:37 dofpia,/first,/X2
05:42 launched grazian_pointing.ob (seeing 1.1), lbcrangebal
05:47 dofpia again
05:54 launched grazian_GOODS_UR_39.ob (some cirrus, seeing 1 arcsec);
-in frame
there are only few stars, clouds passing through
- blue out of focus from
06:23 dofpia, /X2
06:41 launched again grazian_GOODS_UR_39.ob (seeing 1 arcsec, clear sky)
07:23 slew to standard field SA107
07:27 dofpia, /X2
07:35 launched SA107_UBUsgVriI.ob
07:50 slew to Piotto (M13)
07:53 dopfia, /X2
07:59 copointing with one of the star in the database
08:05 launched M13_BV_6.ob (red images out of focus we have to repeat the b)
08:12 dofpia, /X2
08:25 launched M13_BV_6.ob (seeing 0.9 arcsec, clear sky)
08:34 launched M13_Ui_1.ob
08:55 dofpia, /X2
09:03 launched M13_Ui_2.ob (stopped,
elongated stars in the image)
09:10 dofpia, /X2
09:14 launched M13_Ui_2.ob (objects in both channels slightly elongated, maybe is the rotator the object is near the zenith)
09:36 dofpia,/X2
09:41 launched M13_Ui_3.ob
10:02 dofpia,/X2
10:06 launched M13_Ui_4.ob
10:32 dofpia, /X2
10:35 launched M13_Ui_5.ob, we lowered the exposure time to 100s in the i-band because there were a lot of saturated stars
10:57 dofpia, /X2
11:05 launched M13_Ui_6.ob, we put again 121s as exposure time in the red (no better result with 100s); last images in twilight
11:44 starting sky flat g, r
12:00 the TO closes the dome
FeliceCusano - 11 May 2013