INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 May 11-12

Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS + LBC


Clear skies at the beginning of the night.
We lost 20min due to an aborted preset by the telescope. We had to acquire the mask again.
Then moon was up during the second half of the night. The target at that time was >60deg away.
Seeing plot at the end of the log.

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
DONNARUMMA_14B Abell1703 red_grating 1.2hr seeing <1" - COMPLETED
NONINO_12D Abell2261 dual_grating 4.5hr seeing <1.2" - 6/7 exp done - 86%
Standard Feige34 red/dual grating    


01:03 calibration script for MODS:
  • execMODS mods1b 0002-0011 / mods1r 0002-0006
  • execMODS mods1r 0007-0011

02:49 acqMODS Feige34.acq mods1r 0012-0013

02:56 execMODS Feige34.obs mods1b 0012 / mods1r 0014-0015

03:07 manually acquisition in the red channel to see if star centered mods1r 0016-0017

03:21 Starting with Donnarumma Mask4 (ID533915)
  • acqMODS mods.11.sdss1029.acq mods1r 0018
  • Aborted

03:31 acqMODS mods.11.sdss1029.acq mods1r 0019-0021

03:50 execMODS mods.11.sdss1029.obs mods1r 0022-0023

05:09 Starting with Nonino_12B (ID523416)
  • acqMODS rxj1532_mods.acq
  • abort to unwrap telescope

05:20 Starting with Nonino_12D (ID562750)
  • acqMODS abell2261_mods.acq mods1r 0024-0026

05:34 execMODS abell2261_mods.obs mods1b 0013-0017 / mods1r 0027-0030

06:05 dimm seeing 1.0"

09:21 Preset aborted by telescope
  • red images aborted (not saved) - blue image stopped (saved)

09:23 acqMODS abell2261_mods.acq mods1r 0031-0033

09:36 execMODS abell2261_mods.obs mods1b 0018-0020 / mods1r 0034-0036
  • last image has rather high background - probably repeat

11:46 Abort because we are half way through twilight and it is getting too bright

11:48 Close Dome and put MODS calibration unit in
  • execMODS (flats ID533915) mods1r 0037-0046
  • execMODS (lamps ID533915) mods1r 0047-0049
  • execMODS (lamps ID562750) mods1b 0021-0023 / mods1r 0050-0052
  • execMODS (flats ID562750) mods1b 0024-0033 / mods1r 0053-0062 - REPEAT THE SECOND BLOCK BECAUSE THE LAMP WAS OFF
  • execMODS (lamps LS dual grating) mods1b 0034-0036 / mods1r 0063-0065
  • execMODS (lamps LS red grating) mods1r 0066-0068
  • execMODS (flats LS5) mods1b 0037-0041 / mods1r 0069-0073
  • execMODS (flats LS5 red grating) mods1r 0074-0078
  • execMODS (flats ID523416) mods1b 0042-0051 / mods1r 0079-0088 - REPEAT THE SECOND BLOCK BECAUSE THE LAMP WAS OFF
  • execMODS (lamps ID523416) mods1b 0052-0054 / mods1r 0089-0091
  • execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/

14:00 End of Night

  • Guider seeing during MODS observations:

-- RobertoSpeziali - 09 May 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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