INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 March 30-31

Observer: K. Boutsia,R. Speziali, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: Dave
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC Bin


The exposure time on the tech detector has been raised up to 8 sec. System much more stable than yesterday. Moon= 0.524

Data Summary

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Donnarumma SDSS1029 - M3 red grating 2.5hr Seeing=1 - COMPLETED
Donnarumma SDSS1029 - M4 red grating 1.25hr Seeing=1 - 50%
Nonino CANDLES_EGS B, R 40min Seeing=<1 - 75%
Nonino CANDLES_EGS U, R 1 hr Seeing down to 0.7 - OB n3 ending in the dawn


02:10 acqMODS Feige34_test.acq mods1r.20120331.0001-0005.fits

02:32 execMODS Feige34.obs mods1r.0006-0007 / mods1b.0001

02:50 acqMODS mods.10.sdss1029.acq mods1r.0008-0010

03:20 execMODS mods.10.sdss1029.obs mods1r.0011-0014
  • the probe is covering a big part of the field. Two slits could be affected by this!!
  • dimm seeing 0.9"

05:59 acqMODS mods.11.sdss1029.acq mods1r.0015-0017

06:28 acqMODS mods.11.sdss1029.acq texp up to 120 sec due to previous bad alignment. Targets not visible in the slits. mods1r.0018-0020

06:45 execMODS mods.11.sdss1029.obs mods1r.20120331.0021-0022.fits

08:20 Switch to LBC

08:45 Nonino focus field

08:48 dofpia, /first ,/x2

08:52 EGS_B_R_4

09:25 dofpia, /x2

09:26 EGS_B_R_3

10:10 dofpia, /x2

10:10 EGS_USDT_R1

10:46 dofpia, /x2

10:52 EGS_USDT_R2

10:30 dofpia, /x2

10:36 EGS_USDT_R3

...... flats obtained at the end of the night

13:00 MODS calibrations
  • execMODS -u mods1r.0023-0032
  • execMODS -u mods1r.0033-0035
  • execMODS -u mods1r.0036-0045
  • execMODS -u -> script failed - REPEAT
  • execMODS -u mods1b.0002-0014 / mods1r.0046-0058
  • execMODS -u mods1r.0059-0061
  • execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/

14:10 End of night

  • Average seeing during MODS observations:

-- RobertoSpeziali - 31 Mar 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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