INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 March 28-29

Observer: K. Boutsia, R. Speziali, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: Dave
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC Bin


Data Summary

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
GILLI SDSSJ1048+4637 r, i , z 3hr seeing 0.8" - Moon= 0.35 - 2OB out of spec due to bad convergence of blue Tel
PAGANO GJ1214 B, R 3.5hr seeing 1" - Transit


02:00 Sky flats

02:15 Defocusing test on std SA101 field

02:25 dofpia, /first, /x2

02:25 defocusing test finished

02:45 Std observation SA101_r_iz.ob

03:00 start Gilli program : gilli_focus3.ob

03:02 dofpia, /x2

03:20 ri3-1 Target Name: SDSS J1048+4637

04:00 dofpia, /x2

04:04 rz3-1 Target Name: SDSS J1048+4637

04:44 dofpia, /x2

04:50 ri3-2 Target Name: SDSS J1048+4637

05:28 dofpia, /x2

05:37 rz3-2 Target Name: SDSS J1048+4637

06:18 dofpia, /x2

06:22 ri3-3 Target Name: SDSS J1048+4637

07:04 dofpia, /x2

07:07 rz3-3 Target Name: SDSS J1048+4637

07:51 Start settings for Pagano OBs

07:57 dofpia, X2 on target field Pagano

08:07 Starting Bias OB Pagano
  • Bias not windowed!
  • Bias interrupted at 30 bias on red channel - 22 in blue channel

08:19 dofpia, X2 on target field Pagano

08:24 Defocusing at -0.2 (initially try -0.15 but Star saturated)
  • Counts of 40.126

  • Star control data 1200.83 583.23 1200.83 583.23 58.07 7.35 1.151E7 1687. 40126. 0.38 43 2.79 15.45 14.06 19.57

08:29 Starting OB Pagano
  • ob stopped due to high count

08:35 add defocus

08:37 add defocus
  • - 035 total defocusing in order to have less than 30.000 counts

08:39 restart OB 02_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214

  • Star control data 1201.75 579.66 1201.75 579.66 64.72 7.30 1.199E7 1650. 30288. 0.52 51 3.58 17.95 17.10 21.71

08:49 02_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 stopped as requested

08:49 03_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 started (first image after less than a minute)

08:52 seeing 0.8 adding defocus - 0.02
  • Dofpia not repeated due to predicted high overhead ( 4 min <overheads< 10 min )

09:16 04_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 started

  • 9:29 Transit starts

09:38 04_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 stopped as requested

09:39 05_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 started

10:09 05_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 stopped after 31 minutes to avoid 06_OBJECT would end at the same time of the transit

10:10 06_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 started

  • 10:22 end of Transit

10:31 06_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 stopped as requested

10:32 07_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 started

10:53 07_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 stopped as requested

10:54 08_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 started

11:39 08_OBJECT Target Name: GJ1214 Ended OB

11:40 Starting Bias OB Pagano

12:05 Standard BD+26 airmass 1,2 - saturated -
  • second time use defocusing - 0.37 - counts around 20,000

* 12:40 Skyflat

-- RobertoSpeziali - 29 Mar 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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