INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 March 27-28

Observer: K. Boutsia, R. Speziali, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: Dave
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC Bin


Data Summary

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
GILLI SDSSJ1030+0524 r, i , z 3hr seeing 0.8" - Moon= 0.25 (first OB in Blue Channel has > 1.3" FWHM repeat if possible)
GILLI SDSSJ1411+121 r, i , z 3hr seeing 0.9" -


02:00 Sky flats

02:27 dofpia on std star S104 field

02:38 Std S104

02:48 dofpia

02:57 lbcrangebal

02:58 gilli_ri2-1.ob

xx:xx dofpia

xx:xx gilli_rz2-1.ob

04:22 dofpia

04:27 gilli_ri2-2.ob

05:08 dofpia

05:10 gilli_rz2-2.ob

05:08 dofpia

05:51 gilli_ri2-3.ob

06:31 dofpia

06:44 gilli_rz2-3.ob

07:31 std Feige 67

06:44 gilli_rz2-3.ob

07:39 Pointing OB/dofpia/lbcrangebal

07:54 gilli_ri4-1.ob

08:32 dofpia

08:40 gilli_rz4-1.ob

09:19 dofpia

09:27 gilli_ri4-2.ob

10:06 dofpia

10:16 gilli_rz4-2.ob

12:50 Closing Dome - Telescope to zenith to finish MODS calib for yesterday's dataset

13:09 start MODS calibrations
  • execMODS -u mods1r 0003-0005 / mods1b 0003-0005
  • execMODS -u mods1r 0006-0008 / mods1b 0006-0008
  • execMODS -u mods1r 0009-0011 / mods1b 0009-0011
  • execMODS -u mods1r 0012-0014
  • execMODS -u mods1r 0015-0017
  • execMODS -u mods1r 0018-0020

13:58 End of night
  • execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/
-- RobertoSpeziali - 28 Mar 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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