INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 February 22-23
Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC+MODS
Some thin clouds in the west during sunset. Probably clouds passing by during the whole night. Seeing has been very poor.
We started with LBC but the seeing was really bad (2.0"-3.0") so we did not complete the NSI observations.
After that we switched to MODS. There have been problems with the swing arms and then we had problems collimating (due to bad seeing?). 1hr16min downtime.
With MODS we obtained data for Nonino (0647), Fiore (mask2) and Donnarumma (A1703).
For GCS seeing measurements during each program see figures at the end of the log.
Calibration data for MODS images can be found in Repository for 2012022UT, 20120223UT and 20120220UT.
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Valsecchi |
1999AO10 |
g-sloan / r-sloan |
30min |
seeing was bad and we did not go on with the second pointing |
Storm |
IC10VI |
V-bess / I-bess |
5min |
seeing was >3.0", measured on the images, so we aborted |
Nonino |
macsj0647 |
dual grating |
1hr |
seeing was >1.5" |
Fiore |
Cosmos2 |
dual grating |
3hr |
seeing was ~1.7" but this is comparable to yesterdays data - we have 6.5hr total - completed (?) |
Donnarumma |
A1703m1 |
red grating |
1hr15min |
seeing was around ~1.2" for most of the time going up to 1.4" at the end |
Feige34 |
dual/red grating |
good for all MODS programs |
01:53 Slew to 20120223F
15199 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.27 5.99 red
18170 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.49 7.16 blue
-173 -24 79 -44 59 255 100 2.16 0.20 red
453 -213 -45 -114 207 187 96 2.38 0.26 blue
- lbcrangebal
- it is still bright outside, so we run dofpia again and wait for the dimm
-2166 -33 99 161 -185 270 100 2.04 0.88 red
-1197 -113 6 92 -25 232 97 2.16 0.50 blue
-678 -104 70 113 -104 150 92 1.94 0.30 red
-519 -56 105 -67 -50 206 83 2.27 0.26 blue
32 -46 -68 -291 109 68 72 1.88 0.17 red
130 -80 83 3 17 101 52 1.99 0.12 blue
02:15 Take an image of the first offset position to see what the seeing is in the field.
- seeing on images 1.6". Try with observation
02:20 Start with 201202122E
03:04 dofpia on 201202122W
-8554 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.64 3.37 red
-8164 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.68 3.22 blue
40 -44 -193 137 42 136 50 1.88 0.15 red
-196 -110 -18 287 -470 301 74 2.15 0.33 blue
- seeing measured on the image is 3.0" - seeing from dofpia 2.0"
-753 185 -43 26 -14 92 33 1.66 0.32 red
-734 -151 -21 26 36 101 44 1.81 0.31 blue
-144 3 85 -101 174 165 51 1.97 0.17 red
-260 -6 -112 124 -5 182 54 1.95 0.18 blue
03:25 slew to
IC10VI - airmass 2.12
-1228 -153 -5 -405 376 0 0 2.58 0.55 red
-2441 -158 -33 -647 272 0 0 2.86 1.02 blue
69 -35 118 203 -58 334 88 2.41 0.25 red
-91 -155 -73 182 -132 0 0 2.50 0.14 blue
03:31 IC10VI
- seeing measured on the images >3.0"
- abort OB
04:36 We are on a star collimating but it does not look good.
- seeing on the guider 2.6"
05:06 acqMODS macsj0647_mods.acq
mods1r 0003-0005
- seeing on guider 2.0"
- offsetpointing -0.1222 -0.118 -0.880 detxy rel
- dimm seeing 2.2"
- seeing measured on the acquisition image was 1.6"
05:21 execMODS macsj0647_mods.obs
mods1b 0003 - 0006 / mods1r 0006-0009
06:33 acqMODS mods.57.FIORE2.acq
mods1r 0010-0012
- offsetpointing -0.2532 0.112 -0.868 detxy rel
- the ref sources on the upper part of the mask look a bit off on the x-axis and we repeat acquisition
06:50 acqMODS mods.57.FIORE2.acq
mods1r 0013-0015
- this time it looks better
dX: 0.132 arcsec
dY: -1.106 arcsec
dPA: -0.1733 degrees
07:00 execMODS mods.57.FIORE2.obs
mods1b 0007-0012 / mods1r 0016-0021
- maybe also some clouds passing by
- on the guider we see that a lot of times it looses the guide star (there is nothing there - fhwm 0.0)
10:14 Abort - we finished 3hr with this mask
10:14 acqMODS mods.56.FIORE1.acq
mods1r 0022-0024
dX: -0.154 arcsec
dY: -0.714 arcsec
dPA: -0.1422 degrees
10:26 execMODS mods.56.FIORE1.obs - ABORT no images saved
- problems with the IMCS on the red side... it failed twice to lock-on - we lost 15min
- for long times we have no guide star
- airmass is reaching the limit - especially because of the delays with the laser failures
10:48 abort FIORE1
10:48 acqMODS Feige34_std.acq
mods1r 0025-0029
11:04 execMODS Feige34_std.obs
mods1b 0013 / mods1r 0030
- this is with dual_grating for FIORE
11:10 execMODS Feige34_stdRED.obs
mods1r 0031
- this is with red_grating for Donnarumma
11:16 acqMODS mods.201151.newmi1e.acq
mods1r 0032-0034
dX: -0.009 arcsec
dY: -1.054 arcsec
dPA: -0.1089 degrees
11:29 execMODS mods.201151.newmi1e.obs
mods1r 0035-0036
12:49 Abort script after the 2nd exposure because we are already 20min within the twilight.
12:50 Closing dome and going to the zenith for flats with the calibration unit.
- execMODS -u
mods1b 0014-0018 / mods1r 0037-0041
this script was aborted because the pc got stuck after finishing the first lamp
- execMODS -u
mods1b 0019-0023 / mods1r 0042-0046
- execMODS -u
mods1b 0024-0026 / mods1r 0047-0049
- execMODS -u
mods1b 0027-0031 / mods1r 0050-0054
doing the lamp that was not obtained before - red is saturated because no ND1.5 in
02:05 End of calibrations - put MODS to sleep
- execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/
- Seeing reported by GCS while we were obtaining Nonino 0647:
- Seeing reported by GCS while we were obtaining FIORE2:
- Seeing reported by GCS while we were obtaining Donnarumma: