INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 February 21-22
Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC+MODS
Mostly clear skies at sunset. During the whole night the seeing has been variable between 1.3" and 2.0".
Today we finally managed to obtain the NS data. The PI has been informed and the data are beeing processed.
We tried to observe the
IC10VI target (german request) but the seeing was >2.0" and completely out of the requested specs and we aborted.
Observed all Donati targets, since the seeing was poor and he had loose constraints. 3 out of 5 of the Donati targets are within specs.
After slewing to Gilli, to find out that also here the first data were out of spec, we aborted and switched to MODS. No standard stars obtained with LBC tonight.
Using MODS, we started with Fiore (Cosmos2) but 1.5hr out of 3.5hr are out of specs (see Fig at the end of log). Standard calibrations obtained. For flat calibrations see repository 20120220UT
At the end of the night we started Donnarumma, which is out of specs also (see Fig at the end of log).
The Donnarumma calibrations for mask1 have as PROPID sdss1029 even though the actual target is A1703. The masks are the correct ones!!
Not a very productive night.
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Valsecchi |
1999AO10 |
g-sloan / r-sloan |
1hr |
this time NS tracking seems to have worked |
Storm |
IC10VI |
V-bess / I-bess |
5min |
the airmass was low (~2.3) and the seeing was >2.0" so we aborted - after allseeing fwhm in blue=2.9" and red=2.6" |
Donati |
ber27 |
B / V,I |
~10min |
after allseeing fwhm in blue=1.53" and red: V= 1.45" / I= 1.36" - considered within specs |
Donati |
ngc2355 |
B / V,I |
~10min |
after allseeing fwhm in blue=1.65" and red: V= 1.66" / I=1.53 - marginally within specs |
Donati |
czer24 |
B / V,I |
~10min |
after allseeing fwhm in blue=1.8" and red: V= 1.7" / I= 1.5" - out of specs |
Donati |
ber30 |
B / V,I |
~10min |
after allseeing fwhm in blue=1.49" and red: V= 1.4" / I=1.22" - within specs |
Donati |
coll74 |
B / V,I |
~10min |
after allseeing fwhm in blue=1.97" and red: V= 2.06" / I= 1.6" - out of specs |
Gilli |
r-sloan / i-sloan |
12min |
aborted because of bad seeing - after allseeing fwhm in blue=1.65" and red=1.4" - out of specs |
Fiore |
Cosmos2 |
dual grating |
3.5hr |
after monitoring GCS seeing measurement ~1.5hr is out of spec - see figure attached in the end of log |
Donnarumma |
A1703m1 |
red grating |
~50min |
we aborted the second exposure because we were in twilight (only 850sec saved) - GCS seeing >1.4" during this OB - out of specs |
Feige34 |
dual/red grating |
00:30 10Bias_Bino
01:32 Flat
- SkyFlat_rz_pa0 scale=0.5 counts: blue 29525-14278, red 26790-13178
- SkyFlat_rz_pa180 scale=1.0 (maybe better scale=1.5??) counts: blue 15552-7651, red 13674-7414
- SkyFlat_BI_pa180 scale=6.0 counts: blue 30239 15459, red 39920-20812
- SkyFlat BI_pa0 scale=12.0 counts: blue 19650 10485, red 26347-14757
01:52 dofpia,/X2,/First
10730 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.52 4.23 red
14012 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.77 5.52 blue
1021 -80 -318 -1687 313 13 63 1.33 0.88 red
691 -399 -158 -1397 -387 11 71 1.50 0.72 blue
-2547 7 94 -143 -257 158 86 1.22 1.02 red
-1662 -240 -123 36 34 34 80 1.61 0.67 blue
721 96 90 -135 -8 161 52 1.47 0.32 red
1125 -201 -89 -185 41 20 62 1.68 0.46 blue
-596 -103 -107 176 84 93 49 1.37 0.27 red
-684 -140 -148 194 62 -94 32 1.52 0.31 blue
-101 181 56 -145 5 53 32 1.38 0.13 red
137 -156 -67 -145 -171 -43 32 1.59 0.15 blue
02:05 lbcrangebal
02:14 Slew to Valsecchi: 201202122E
02:53 dofpia,/X2 on the west field
-4123 43 121 244 144 -101 -5 1.31 1.63 red
-4434 -90 -84 -5 118 -57 0 1.21 1.75 blue
-306 94 34 -62 -148 -35 -34 1.18 0.17 red
171 -11 -77 38 16 -97 -36 1.43 0.12 blue
02:58 Valsecchi: 201202122W
03:35 Slew to
IC10VI for dofpia
-262 117 90 -68 -75 242 57 1.85 0.21 red
-4260 -65 70 -102 190 367 90 1.99 1.70 blue
-1311 -112 -32 144 100 211 40 1.62 0.55 red
-1707 -119 -33 8 2 326 60 1.83 0.71 blue
-514 -77 93 61 50 200 58 1.81 0.26 red
-996 -115 5 -176 -87 304 70 2.07 0.45 blue
-856 -52 88 61 -45 227 58 1.87 0.38 red
-1009 -187 -39 261 -23 240 63 1.98 0.45 blue
-484 203 37 -57 -71 197 23 1.61 0.25 red
-654 284 -89 27 -220 172 42 1.72 0.32 blue
-1277 -77 64 5 40 90 22 1.51 0.51 red
-1055 -113 108 5 108 76 14 1.58 0.43 blue
9 -27 141 -35 -92 65 20 1.52 0.11 red
-379 -140 -58 75 -30 92 25 1.65 0.19 blue
03:50 IC10VI
- airmass ~2.3
- seeing on images > 2"
- Aborted
04:02 Slew to Donati
04:05 dofpia,/X2
5004 2 -118 -5 68 -803 -100 1.11 2.04 red
9502 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.18 3.74 blue
840 -33 -100 93 -70 -431 -100 0.99 0.44 red
2842 175 1 237 -152 -1000 -100 0.94 1.29 blue
-235 47 -93 -116 11 -92 -87 1.01 0.15 red
-549 240 -28 -351 61 -990 -100 0.96 0.69 blue
282 -53 -34 142 -9 13 -63 1.00 0.15 red
-1012 149 -71 -53 -24 -63 -100 1.21 0.41 blue
- Aborted. Not conveged
- Try again without /X2
473 -48 -115 -11 -57 -30 -36 1.05 0.21 red
32 65 -85 42 27 -14 -92 1.29 0.09 blue
-207 90 63 35 47 23 -29 0.98 0.12 red
-233 149 42 8 0 20 -75 1.24 0.13 blue
4:16 lbcrangebal
4:18 be27
- seeing on images blue ~1.4 red ~1.25
04:34 slew to ngc2355_focus_ok
1035 -28 -43 62 -30 -4 -6 1.19 0.42 red
1404 -78 98 71 -26 105 -20 1.42 0.56 blue
159 0 -50 -196 131 11 -6 1.21 0.15 red
840 138 88 41 -82 80 -3 1.43 0.35 blue
-358 78 10 267 -102 -52 -7 1.03 0.21 red
-1268 109 -15 -64 122 -5 -15 1.25 0.51 blue
143 -54 -33 -75 -20 -48 -4 1.15 0.11 red
759 99 -37 88 -129 17 2 1.45 0.32 blue
475 -28 -32 -2 57 -32 -11 1.04 0.21 red
341 -125 62 -119 114 -120 -19 1.32 0.19 blue
04:45 ngc2355
- seeing on images ~1.6"
- seeing on images blue ~1.48 red ~1.35
- seeing on images blue ~1.6 red ~1.2
05:03 slew to czer24_focus_ok
-82 116 -12 87 -70 42 10 1.16 0.11 red
702 -131 14 230 10 -2 -10 1.40 0.31 blue
138 108 100 -30 -12 86 11 1.19 0.12 red
226 -131 16 136 65 41 20 1.50 0.14 blue
05:09 slew to czer24
- seeing on images ~1.6"
- seeing on images blue ~1.6", red ~1.4"
- seeing on images blue ~1.4", red ~1.2"
05:27 slew to be30_focus_ok
-312 -47 -34 -45 68 60 33 1.35 0.16 red
-773 18 -103 -168 148 135 43 1.62 0.34 blue
-351 -22 68 37 -53 -28 12 1.26 0.16 red
-340 -27 77 -39 7 95 26 1.59 0.17 blue
05:34 be30
- seeing on images blue ~1.5", red ~1.4"
- dimm seeing 1.6"
- seeing on images ~1.35"
05:49 Slew to coll74_focus_ok
-563 -42 -94 -111 -143 124 11 1.32 0.26 red
-1414 -74 -66 -164 89 184 22 1.56 0.58 blue
896 -42 13 -19 75 -16 1 1.20 0.36 red
-28 -34 -130 -34 -22 62 12 1.53 0.10 blue
-925 0 73 -51 29 47 15 1.31 0.38 red
-485 -31 -116 123 12 51 13 1.51 0.22 blue
-417 -72 -58 -63 142 -19 -7 1.43 0.20 blue
-66 129 -90 -61 112 -35 -7 1.20 0.11 red
-110 -60 56 55 -55 -50 -2 1.51 0.10 blue
06:01 coll74
- dimm seeing 1.8"
- seeing on images blue ~2", red ~1.8"
- seeing on images blue ~1.8", red ~1.5"
- arirmass on last image 1.6
06:16 Slew to Gilli
1401 13 69 368 -228 -239 -49 1.00 0.61 red
3180 -21 405 -75 -618 -342 -68 1.29 1.31 blue
-16 24 -154 -299 -133 -39 -1 1.16 0.17 red
-522 -181 177 274 133 -102 -8 1.36 0.28 blue
-141 39 68 299 94 -55 -8 1.10 0.18 red
-259 164 93 13 -76 -55 -17 1.36 0.15 blue
06:28 slew to ri3-1
- seeing measured on images: blue:1.4 and red:1.2
06:44 Aborted! Seeing too high
06:44 Switch to MODS
07:07 acqMODS mods.57.FIORE2.acq
mods1r 0002-0004
- MODS offset: -0.2211 0.316 -0.967 detxy rel
07:20 execMODS mods.57.FIORE2.obs
mods1b 0002-0008 / mods1r 0005-0011
- Last exposure aborted. Airmass limit reached
11:04 acqMODS Feige34_std.acq
mods1r 0012-0017
11:19 execMODS Feige34_std.obs
mods1b 0009 / mods1r 0018
- airmass 1.35
- the red spectrum in mods1r_0018 is with dual_grating for Fiore
11:27 execMODS Feige34_stdRED.obs
mods1r 0019
- airmass 1.35
- mods1r_0019 is with red_grating for Donnarumma but it is saturated
11:34 divided exp time of Feige34_stdRED.obs by 2
mods1r 0020
11:40 acqMODS mods.201151.newmi1e.acq
mods1r 0021-0023
11:55 execMODS mods.201151.newmi1e.obs
mods1r 0024-0025
12:51 Abort OB because of twilight. The second exposure is only 856sec instead of 2250se (mods1r0025)
01:07 Close Dome - Starting calibrations
- The Donnarumma calibrations for mask1 have as PROPID sdss1029 even though the actual target is A1703. The maskid is the correct one!!
- execMODS -u
mods1r 0026-0035
- execMODS -u
mods1r 0036-0038
- execMODS -u
mods1b 0010-0019 / mods1r 0039-0043
- execMODS -u
mods1b 0020-0039 / mods1r 0044-0063
02:22 End of calibrations - put MODS to sleep
- execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/
- Seeing reported by GCS while we were obtaining FIORE2:
- Seeing reported by GCS while we were obtaining Donnarumma:
KonstantinaBoutsia - 22 Feb 2012