INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 February 20-21
Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC+MODS
Mostly clear skies at sunset. Some clouds in the west. We do flats anyway, since we point to the east.
At the beginning of the night we tried the program with the Non-Sidereal tracking and even though we did manage to track, the offsets set in the OB were ignored, so we could not exactly accomplish what the PI wanted.
We tried to change the ephemeris, in order to account for the offsets, but we saw that this also did not work exactly as expected, so we aborted the program.
In total 6 images per band were obtained with NS tracking but centered on the JPL coordinates. Total time spent (wasted??) on this project 45min.
The rest of the night has been un-eventful, with good seeing (0.8-1.0").
We finished Bedin, Bellazzini and 1 field of the Gilli program.
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Valsecchi |
1999AO10 |
g-sloan / r-sloan |
~20min |
tried to do Non-siderea tracking but it ignores offsets. Try to hack ephemeris |
Bedin |
M35_N2158 |
V-bess / i-sloan |
~105min |
considered complete - average fwhm on blue=0.87" and red= 0.83" (from allseeing) |
Bellazzini |
Sextans_A |
g-sloan / r-sloan |
~25min |
check if it is complete - average fwhm on blue=0.89" and red= 0.82" (from allseeing) |
Bellazzini |
Sextans_B |
g-sloan / r-sloan |
~25min |
considered complete - average fwhm on blue=1.04" and red= 0.86" (from allseeing) |
Gilli |
SDSS J1148+5251 |
r-sloan / i-sloan, z-sloan |
3h |
considered complete - average fwhm on blue=1.0" and red: i-sloan= 0.97" / z-sloan= 0.86" (from allseeing) |
PhotStd |
SA104 |
all filters |
PhotStd |
SA107 |
all filters |
00:30 25Bias_Bino
00:33 Updated flat eve scripts
- V-r = 1.-1.1
- g-i = 1.-1.4
01:26 SkyFlatTest_Vr_pa0 with scale=0.3 saturated
01:29 Slewing for flats
- SkyFlat_Vr_pa0 scale=0.5 blue 54630-28601, red 39931-21261
01:33 SkyFlat_Vr_pa180 scale=1.0 blue 32037-15545 red 23633-11907
01:39 SkyFlat_gi_pa180 scale=2.0 blue 35944-17657, red 23182-11721
01:42 SkyFlat_gi_pa0 scale=4.0 blue 21333-11577, red 13547-7283
01:48 Slew to focus field for NS target - 20120221F
- dimm seeing 1.0''
- dofpia,/First,/X2
858 32 92 -1477 254 224 25 0.93 0.77 red
5648 -153 -248 -1192 -720 -286 -22 1.36 2.32 blue
-679 10 -54 205 -81 127 51 0.93 0.31 red
-373 -292 -186 111 119 -62 47 1.41 0.21 blue
-76 -15 -46 -153 36 54 29 1.01 0.12 red
-74 -220 -91 -103 27 1 32 1.47 0.12 blue
- we reached limits while running lbcrangebal - observer error
- run dofpia again
321 33 64 318 -39 -362 -39 0.81 0.31 red
959 -108 -60 276 -106 -510 -56 1.19 0.52 blue
-32 -23 -37 -201 142 -234 6 0.82 0.20 red
-86 -97 -3 -236 116 -171 2 1.32 0.18 blue
02:10 set NSIGUI and send OB: 20120218E0
- abort because we had kept guiding active and it lost the guide star
- send again without guiding
- dimm seeing 1.3"
- it does not actually take the offsets set in the OB - only the position angle!!
02:18 set NSIGUI and send OB: 20120218E1
02:23 set NSIGUI and send OB: 20120218E2
- kept on going until 20120218E4
02:49 set NSIGUI and send OB again with modified ephemeris!!: 20120218E0
- it did not really change as much as we were hoping for
- we need to tell the PIs, either that they have to make an ephemeris for each offset OR try again when BP15 will be operational
02:56 Slew to Bedin target to do the FOCUS
5774 189 -95 -239 -369 -342 -39 0.59 2.30 red
4438 101 127 -264 383 -385 -43 0.90 1.78 blue
396 36 -20 40 -93 -276 -2 0.54 0.25 red
120 114 154 98 76 -133 12 0.74 0.15 blue
-469 60 -23 -95 42 -45 9 0.51 0.21 red
-227 81 64 -4 31 -74 14 0.71 0.13 blue
-95 4 64 59 -85 -9 9 0.53 0.10 red
88 67 72 4 -33 3 19 0.77 0.09 blue
03:10 slew to WD_M35_N2158_LONG1
03:19 OB aborted! seeing is good but blue images are elongated
-182 90 -52 -289 469 -196 18 0.68 0.30 red
901 -47 -146 172 105 -127 -3 0.86 0.39 blue
354 -25 43 -16 13 -126 17 0.64 0.18 red
563 -66 -113 32 -51 -90 3 0.87 0.25 blue
337 -87 64 292 -232 -168 -1 0.58 0.25 red
40 31 -82 72 -19 -109 0 0.76 0.11 blue
192 -13 -26 -226 212 -47 5 0.60 0.18 red
285 -77 -74 27 75 -96 -2 0.76 0.16 blue
03:27 slew to WD_M35_N2158_LONG1
- images now seems correct
- seeing on images 0.78" blue, 0.72" red
- seeing on images ~0.88
03:53 dofpia
1126 -180 60 328 -404 -73 13 0.65 0.51 red
-944 -100 -42 23 -253 61 47 0.80 0.40 blue
221 -43 10 -7 116 -44 0 0.68 0.13 red
27 -25 -100 -74 -41 -31 18 0.95 0.09 blue
03:57 slewing to WD_M35_N2158_LONG2
- images look a bit elongated, especially on the blue side
- but the fwhm measured on the images is ~0.9" and we go on
04:22 dofpia,/X2
79 40 -84 317 -64 -81 7 0.70 0.18 red
280 -14 132 90 109 -137 21 1.08 0.18 blue
04:25 WD_M35_N2158_LONG3
- seeing measured on the images ~0.8"
04:51 dofpia,/X2
-634 73 -24 -24 -1 -253 -15 0.62 0.31 red
-743 37 154 98 -126 -150 -3 1.08 0.33 blue
-241 52 16 13 27 -42 -7 0.65 0.13 red
247 4 102 -37 27 -66 -8 1.02 0.14 blue
04:54 WD_M35_N2158_LONG4
- seeing measured on the images ~0.75"
05:19 dofpia,/X2
-466 63 -7 -34 100 -42 -19 0.63 0.21 red
-414 -107 -20 -99 -134 18 0 1.13 0.20 blue
704 -21 -26 -46 -91 -18 -18 0.62 0.29 red
298 -84 -75 4 -57 -26 -1 1.11 0.15 blue
-493 43 15 57 27 -34 -11 0.59 0.21 red
-307 7 64 4 4 2 -3 1.11 0.15 blue
-365 -28 14 -81 18 39 -6 0.57 0.17 red
-36 75 37 4 62 -27 -5 1.06 0.09 blue
493 7 31 14 31 16 -4 0.63 0.21 red
78 -97 -47 4 -31 10 -4 1.11 0.09 blue
- it is not converging for the red - too many pupils - try dofpia (without X2)
-64 -32 -6 44 29 -101 -5 0.60 0.11 red
66 -65 60 7 61 -30 -7 1.11 0.09 blue
05:31 WD_M35_N2158_LONG5
- seeing measured on the image <0.7"
05:56 dofpia
294 66 -21 123 -66 -200 -8 0.67 0.20 red
-400 -44 -184 -32 -115 -19 -10 1.14 0.19 blue
6:00 WD_M35_N2158_short
06:07 Slew to Bellazzini
06:09 dofpia,/X2
-101 -6 -39 -226 -272 -46 -21 0.62 0.18 red
-474 245 -210 -316 11 -98 -7 1.27 0.27 blue
-63 -70 -34 -52 -20 -31 -9 0.62 0.09 red
-231 190 -67 76 29 -47 -5 1.11 0.14 blue
06:17 Sextans_A
- dimm seeing 1.3"
- seeing on images ~0.9"
- dimm seeing 0.9"
- seeing on images ~0.8"
- dimm seeing 0.9"
6:52 Script manually aborted after 12 exposures
6:53 dofpia,/X2
-507 -109 66 -205 182 -129 -15 0.60 0.26 red
-852 158 -125 86 110 -144 -36 1.06 0.37 blue
224 51 79 212 44 -85 -14 0.55 0.16 red
288 113 -122 30 -95 -61 -15 0.99 0.16 blue
06:56 Sextans_A_short
06:59 Sextans_B_focus
07:11 Sextans_B
- maybe some thin cirrus
- seeing on images ~0.9"
07:41 dofpia,/X2
07:46 Sextans_B_short
07:51 Slew to Gilli
07:53 dofpia,/X2
08:00 iraf and ds9 comunication problem during lbcrangebal. Restarted iraf
08:08 ri1-1
08:45 dofpia,/X2
08:49 rz1-1
- dimm seeing 0.9"
- seeing on images <1"
09:27 dofpia,/X2
1319 -22 -26 245 90 -273 -7 0.65 0.57 red
2124 96 22 -111 -95 -167 -26 0.87 0.85 blue
-360 103 55 62 24 -11 1 0.57 0.17 red
-567 41 -89 -16 80 182 28 1.10 0.27 blue
8 -52 -22 -56 92 -22 -9 0.60 0.09 red
387 210 4 66 -83 46 7 0.87 0.19 blue
144 111 -72 -130 -176 -42 6 0.57 0.15 red
-477 -83 60 0 66 117 18 1.57 0.22 blue
09:34 ri1-2
10:11 dofpia,/X2
-175 90 29 60 42 -114 -3 0.51 0.13 red
-177 -50 138 -173 187 -143 -10 0.86 0.18 blue
10:14 rz1-2
10:53 dofpia,/X2
91 75 63 4 0 -135 23 0.70 0.12 red
195 131 -11 142 61 -57 5 0.95 0.14 blue
10:56 ri1-3
- seeing on images <1"
- dimm seeing 1.2"
11:33 dofpia,/X2
3 -32 117 -54 -35 -118 18 0.71 0.12 red
601 -153 78 82 34 -28 24 1.09 0.26 blue
-152 -56 169 135 -78 -59 18 0.72 0.14 red
387 -83 79 -31 45 -51 16 1.13 0.18 blue
532 4 -108 -18 67 -121 5 0.78 0.24 red
-78 -113 82 -29 91 41 23 1.13 0.11 blue
11:39 rz1-3
12:20 Slew to standard stars
12:27 SA104_AllFilter - airmass 1.55
12:43 SA107_AllFilt - airmass
- at 12:50 sky starts to get bright...
13:02 slew for flats
- SkyFlat_BV_pa0 - 1.0:1.5x20 - 20000-
- SkyFlat_BV_pa180 - x10 - saturated ...
- SkyFlat_rz_pa180 x2 - 29000-58000blue/25000-48000red
- SkyFlat_rz_pa0 x0.7 - high counts... try to repeat tomorrow...
KonstantinaBoutsia - 21 Feb 2012