INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 January 15-16

Observer: K. Boutsia, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC+MODS


DOME CLOSED because of snow storm.
Since we are closed, we decided to obtain all necessary calibrations for the projects using MODS

Data Summary

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes


04:48 Starting up MODS
  • mods1 start gui
  • execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/
  • modsDisp

04:50 Bias frames
  • execMODS mods1b.20120116./mods1r.20120116 0001-0030

05:45 Nonino MOS calibrations
  • execMODS - flats with mask ID520958 vflat 7 mods1b / mods1r 0031-0035 (clear - GG495)

05:55 Power outage... the compressor went off. we might need to restart everything
  • we go on with the calibrations, since according to support astronomer and TO internal mods calibrations should not be affected.
  • execMODS - ARCS with mask ID520958 mods1b / mods1r 0036-0038
  • execMODS - ARCS with mask ID532613 mods1b / mods1r 0039-0041
  • execMODS - flats with mask ID532613 vflat 7 mods1b / mods1r 0042-0046 (clear - GG495)
  • execMODS - flats with mask ID581623 vflat 7 mods1b / mods1r 0047-0051 (clear - GG495)
  • when this script finished the red images did not appear in newdata and in the control panel it was saying - last image 48 - next image 51, the status during the execution of the OB also showed no errors. In order to retrieve those images and make them appear in /newdata we had to type in the control panel - command line box: red fitsflush
  • execMODS - ARCS with mask ID581623 mods1b / mods1r 0052-0054

07:16 Calibrations for standard stars longslits
  • execMODS - ARCS with LS60x5 for both channels using template script mod1b / mod1r 0055-0057
  • execMODS - flats with LS60x5 for both channels using template script mod1b / mod1r 0058-0062 (clear - GG495)

07:35 Another power glitch - we go on with mods.
  • execMODS - flats with LS5x60x1.0 for both channels using template script mod1b / mod1r 0063-0067 (clear - GG495)
  • execMODS - ARCS with LS5x60x1.0 for both channels using template script mod1b / mod1r 0068-0070
  • execMODS - slitless flats for pixel to pixel response - we used template script mod1b 0071-0080 / mod1r 0071-0075

08:28 Fiore MOS calibrations - scripts have been slightly changed from what the PI has sent
  • execMODS - we have changed the archive info and nimg from 1 to 5 mod1b 0081-0090 / mod1r 0076-0085
  • some slits (probably the ref boxes) in the red flats for the QTH1 are saturated
  • execMODS - we have changed the archive info and nimg from 1 to 5 mod1b 0091-0100 / mod1r 0086-0095
  • execMODS - we have changed the archive info and nimg from 1 to 5 mod1b 0101-0110 / mod1r 0096-0105
  • some slits (probably the ref boxes) are saturated. This happens more often in red but ut also happens occasionally in the blue (QTH1+ UG5)

09:46 We have modified the PIs OBs because he was using the prism template... instead we have used the template after replacing the slit ID with the mosID
  • need to ask Olga for updated templates
  • execMODS mod1b 0111-0113 / mod1r 0106-0108
  • execMODS mod1b 0114-0116 / mod1r 0109-0111
  • execMODS mod1b 0117-0119 / mod1r 0112-0114
  • execMODS mod1b 0120-0129 / mod1r 0115-0119
  • execMODS mod1b 0130-0139 / mod1r 0120-0124 repeat with INAF in the pi_name
  • execMODS mod1b 0140-0149 / mod1r 0125-0134

11:30 execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/
  • End of night

-- KonstantinaBoutsia - 16 Jan 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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