INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 January 15-16
Observer: K. Boutsia, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC+MODS
DOME CLOSED because of snow storm.
Since we are closed, we decided to obtain all necessary calibrations for the projects using MODS
Data Summary
04:48 Starting up MODS
- mods1 start gui
- execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/
- modsDisp
04:50 Bias frames
- execMODS
mods1b.20120116./mods1r.20120116 0001-0030
05:45 Nonino MOS calibrations
- execMODS - flats with mask ID520958 vflat 7
mods1b / mods1r 0031-0035
(clear - GG495)
05:55 Power outage... the compressor went off. we might need to restart everything
- we go on with the calibrations, since according to support astronomer and TO internal mods calibrations should not be affected.
- execMODS - ARCS with mask ID520958
mods1b / mods1r 0036-0038
- execMODS - ARCS with mask ID532613
mods1b / mods1r 0039-0041
- execMODS - flats with mask ID532613 vflat 7
mods1b / mods1r 0042-0046
(clear - GG495)
- execMODS - flats with mask ID581623 vflat 7
mods1b / mods1r 0047-0051
(clear - GG495)
- when this script finished the red images did not appear in newdata and in the control panel it was saying - last image 48 - next image 51, the status during the execution of the OB also showed no errors. In order to retrieve those images and make them appear in /newdata we had to type in the control panel - command line box: red fitsflush
- execMODS - ARCS with mask ID581623
mods1b / mods1r 0052-0054
07:16 Calibrations for standard stars longslits
- execMODS - ARCS with LS60x5 for both channels using template script
mod1b / mod1r 0055-0057
- execMODS - flats with LS60x5 for both channels using template script
mod1b / mod1r 0058-0062
(clear - GG495)
07:35 Another power glitch - we go on with mods.
- execMODS - flats with LS5x60x1.0 for both channels using template script
mod1b / mod1r 0063-0067
(clear - GG495)
- execMODS - ARCS with LS5x60x1.0 for both channels using template script
mod1b / mod1r 0068-0070
- execMODS - slitless flats for pixel to pixel response - we used template script
mod1b 0071-0080 / mod1r 0071-0075
08:28 Fiore MOS calibrations - scripts have been slightly changed from what the PI has sent
- execMODS - we have changed the archive info and nimg from 1 to 5
mod1b 0081-0090 / mod1r 0076-0085
- some slits (probably the ref boxes) in the red flats for the QTH1 are saturated
- execMODS - we have changed the archive info and nimg from 1 to 5
mod1b 0091-0100 / mod1r 0086-0095
- execMODS - we have changed the archive info and nimg from 1 to 5
mod1b 0101-0110 / mod1r 0096-0105
- some slits (probably the ref boxes) are saturated. This happens more often in red but ut also happens occasionally in the blue (QTH1+ UG5)
09:46 We have modified the PIs OBs because he was using the prism template... instead we have used the template after replacing the slit ID with the mosID
- need to ask Olga for updated templates
- execMODS
mod1b 0111-0113 / mod1r 0106-0108
- execMODS
mod1b 0114-0116 / mod1r 0109-0111
- execMODS
mod1b 0117-0119 / mod1r 0112-0114
- execMODS
mod1b 0120-0129 / mod1r 0115-0119
- execMODS
mod1b 0130-0139 / mod1r 0120-0124
repeat with INAF in the pi_name
- execMODS
mod1b 0140-0149 / mod1r 0125-0134
11:30 execMODS ~MODSeng/modsScripts/Support/
KonstantinaBoutsia - 16 Jan 2012