INAF Pisces observing, 2011 November 28-29
Observer: C. Arcidiacono, G. Brusa, K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: Pisces
Thin clouds on the sky in the afternoon. We kept having clouds for the whole night and it got worse during the second half. We had 1.5-3mag of extinction.
We open up early (4:00PM) to take narrow band flats with Pisces. Many flat frames are saturated due to cloud reflections. We obtained high and low count flats for Br-g,
FeII, K, and some J.
The seeing has been <1.0'' for most of the night but it was very variable with peaks of 2.0'' giving trouble to the AO system. There is a plot of the Seeing vs. UTtime in /home/INAF/ScienceRuns/Nov2011/.
We lost 1h30min at the beginning of the night due to problems with starting up the AO system. After calling Alfio (in Italy), the problem was identified and it was solved by restarting the AO arbitrator.
For the rest of night we had many failed presets and shell rips, but most of them were caused because of variable seeing and high extinction because of clouds. The AO could not keep up with such variable conditions.
Neveretheless we have been able to take data for all targets scheduled for this night and the T-Tau project (that was the brightest target) is considered complete.
For more technical details see log in the AO twiki by G. Brusa at
Log_20111129 .
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Bono |
IC10 |
Ks |
20min (+10min sky) |
it was cloudy and AO kept failing - maybe some useful data |
Palla |
T-Tau |
2.14, Br-g, H2, FeII |
1hr30min |
it should be 30minXfilter - passing clouds for part of the dataset - 3mag of extinction |
Greggio |
NGC1560 |
Ks , J |
30min, 5min |
J band was interrupted because we were reaching low elevations |
Marconi |
QSO0848 |
Ks |
30min |
we stopped because of twilight - 2.5mag extinction |
23:04 Open up the dome - start NB flats
- observe, flatBrg
pisces.20111128.10723.fits - .10763.fits
- counts varying between 5000counts and 15000counts - cloud passing??
23:35 observe,flatFeII,/no_tcs
pisces.20111128.10764.fits - .10844.fits
- some frames are saturated although we started with counts <19000 - still clouds?
00:15 observe,flatK,/no_tcs
pisces.20111128.10845.fits - .10906..fits
- pisces.20111128.10845.fits - 2sec
- pisces.20111128.10846.fits - 7sec
- the rest 8sec
- there are saturated images
00:30 observe,flatJ,/no_tcs
pisces.20111128.10907.fits - .10918.fits
00:42 starting NB flats for low counts
- Brg
pisces.20111128.10919.fits - .10938.fits
- FeII
pisces.20111128.10939.fits - .10958.fits
- K
pisces.20111128.10959.fits - .11013.fits
- pisces.20111128.10993.fits - stray light
01:20 we finished with the flats - switched off ventilation/treehouse
- pointing correction - collimation
- at this point we also do 'pisces_set_archive' -> next image will be pisces.20111129.0001.fits
01:33 observe, IC10_preset (PA=-180, GS=8)
- the active optics are collimated - but AO system started with 4micron rms
- during the first preset CCD39 was blocked - we manually opened the loop and resend the preset
- the second preset also failed - the loop seemed to be closed but the status of CCD39 was 'not live' - at some point it probably went in time out and the preset was cancelled - the slopes do not arrive from the BCU at the secondary
- third preset failed again but in another point - the CCD39 is doing what it is supposed to do but nothing arrives at the secondary.
- from AOS we switch OFF the WFS and start again : Wstop - Wstart
- from AOS - turn ON
- during this preset - the loop was closed - slopes started arriving at the secondary but there has been an 'acquire-ref FAIL' - preset cancelled
- preset again - loop closed with 10 modes and then everything diverges and the mirror resets.
02:30 We restart everything! - AOS reboot
02:39 Call Alfio
- what happened was: all the system had to be restarted and one subsystem (the arbitrator) had to be restared once more (software bug??)
02:48 problem seems to be solved by switcing OFF-ON the arbitrator - send preset again
- irc_runao error - but presets seems to have failed before arriving at runao
- send preset again
- this time the preset was successful - the loop is closed and stable
03:08 after setting the 0,0 position we start dithering for IC10 in Ks
- first dither image: pisces.20111129.0008.fits - exptime: 30sec
- dither on target completed without error
03:17 preset cancelled when it was offsetting 145arcsec (sky image for this target)
- the offset did not complete
- offset and obtain sky-image manually - in order to do this we need to resend the preset - close loop - give offset for the sky position (instead of centering the target) and repeat dither
- the preset was cancelled because the mirror was not yet set - repeat preset
- the followed procedure (working script) is:
# IC10_dither
# 1800sec Ks
camera, EXP=30.0, FRAMES=2, COADDS=1, FILTER=5
dither, COORD=detxy, TYPE=box, SIZE=2, DIST=1.0, ITER=1,IMAGE=SCIENCE
camera, EXP=30.0, FRAMES=2, COADDS=1, FILTER=5
dither, COORD=detxy, TYPE=box, SIZE=2, DIST=5.0, ITER=1,IMAGE=SCIENCE
camera, EXP=30.0, FRAMES=2, COADDS=1, FILTER=5
dither, COORD=detxy, TYPE=box, SIZE=2, DIST=5.0, ITER=1,IMAGE=SCIENCE
# IC10_dither
# 1800sec Ks
camera, EXP=30.0, FRAMES=2, COADDS=1, FILTER=5
dither, COORD=detxy, TYPE=box, SIZE=2, DIST=1.0, ITER=1,IMAGE=SCIENCE
camera, EXP=30.0, FRAMES=2, COADDS=1, FILTER=5
dither, COORD=detxy, TYPE=box, SIZE=2, DIST=5.0, ITER=1,IMAGE=SCIENCE
camera, EXP=30.0, FRAMES=2, COADDS=1, FILTER=5
dither, COORD=detxy, TYPE=box, SIZE=2, DIST=5.0, ITER=1,IMAGE=SCIENCE
03:55 preset cancelled - shell ripped for unknown reason
- repeat preset - cancelled again because the shell was not flat yet...
03:57 the AO software is not responding
- Adsec-Arbitrator is not responding - stop and restart
- set the shell - success
04:03 send preset again - IC10_preset.obs
- guider seeing 1.0'' - 1.2''
04:26 the preset was cancelled - shell ripped
- it was skipping images and it failed - could it be that seeing was getting worse??
- dimm seeing 1.6''
- the AO ref star mag seemed to change - passing cirrus??
04:29 send preset again IC10
- preset cancelled - it started skipping again
04:39 preset again - the flux is almost 1/3 than previously - probably the clouds are getting thicker
04:44 preset cancelled - too high forces sent at the secondary
04:48 moving to a bright target : T-Tau - send preset
- 3 presets failed for various reasosn (time out while trying to change bin, the system thought it was in closed loop but it was not...)
05:10 CCD39 went offline (not live)
05:23 send preset - T-Tau
- dimm seeing 1.1'' - guider seeing 0.5''
- CCD39 shows high noise
- CCD39 Sensirion - 14.6C
05:31 after the preset we can see T-Tau - the loop is closed
- we try to go on with the dither pattern
05:35 Maximum skip reached - AOS error
- preset failed - try again
06:05 preset was successful - start dithering on T-Tau
07:06 clouds passing by - the AO estimated magnitude is 1.5-2.0mag fainter
- continue with dithering for as long as loop remains closed
- dimm seeing 0.8''
07:40 loop opened - send the preset again and go on with the dither
08:25 Repeat T-Tau preset with a small rotation to see if the features we see in the 2.14filter are sources or artifacts
- iif_offset does not ALWAYS work when you try to insert a rotation because there is not enough time for the rotation to be completed - the loop opens and the preset fails
- pauses AO - rotates - tries to close the loop again but the mirror does not have enough time to close the loop - it times out and fails
- it worked when we asked a smaller rotation
08:35 observe,T_Tau with rotation (3-4 angles)
08:42 Slew to NGC1560
- dimm seeing 0.9''-1.1''
- pisces.20111129.0498.fits - exptime 2min - the source is in the central position of the dither pattern
09:02 NGC1560 - dither pattern in Ks
- start series with image pisces.20111129.0500.fits
09:39 the shell ripped - preset cancelled
09:43 repeat NGC1560 preset
09:46 preset cancelled - shell ripped
09:59 loop is closed - send the dither pattern
10:20 shell ripped - we found a HUGE defocus on the guider with the active optics
- we need to reset the active optics...
10:35 repeat NGC1560 preset - failed because it started AO when active optics rms was ~3000 and it did not manage to close the loop
10:48 repeat NGC1560 preset - shell ripped
10:56 repeat NGC1560 preset - it took 7 min to close the loop
11:03 NGC1560 - dither pattern in J
- start series with image pisces.20111129.0529.fits
11:14 preset cancelled
11:21 Slew to QSO0848 - no guide star found
- try again -maybe there is again that big defocus
- failed - correct pointing
11:30 repeat preset QSO0848
- after the pointing correction we did find the GS
- preset failed during runao
11:35 repeat preset QSO0848 - acquire failed - the AO ref star is too faint
11:40 preset QSO0848
- with the probe on the AO ref star to see if the magnitude is correct
- we can see the star - we cancel preset
11:43 preset QSO0848
- first we give an active preset to make it collimate since the star is still too faint for the AO because of abberation
- then we give the ACE preset QSO0848 dither in Ks
- example of working script when the initial abberations are too big
preset, OBJECT=QSO0848, MODE=active, GS=1, RS=1, PA=-90
preset, OBJECT=QSO0848, MODE=ace, GS=6, RS=1, PA=-90
camera, EXP=1.0, FRAMES=1, COADDS=1, FILTER=5
preset, OBJECT=QSO0848, MODE=active, GS=1, RS=1, PA=-90
preset, OBJECT=QSO0848, MODE=ace, GS=6, RS=1, PA=-90
camera, EXP=1.0, FRAMES=1, COADDS=1, FILTER=5
- we are getting clouds again
12:05 we are taking images but there are no sources - probably overcast with clouds
- subtracting two offset images we can see the source
- we resume with dither pattern
12:15 QSO0848 dither in Ks
12:18 preset cancelled - unknown reason
- setting the shell - repeat preset
12:32 QSO0848 dither in Ks
- we get a 3mag extinction - clouds are getting worse...
13:04 preset cancelled - sky too bright and we lost the guide star
- Seeing reported by GCS during AO observations:
KonstantinaBoutsia - 28 Nov 2011