INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2011 November 27-28
Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC+MODS
Clear sky at the beginning of the night, probably photometric . The seeing has been between 0.6'' and 0.9'' for the whole night.
We started with LBC and finished Clementini and Giallongo (CL0024).
LBC blue was not able to hold the focus at the beginning of the night - elongated images - and this was probably caused by the temperature gradient.
LBC red also gave problems with the focus. We actually had to interrupt 2 OBs becuase the stars wer very comatic on chip1 - there was a gradient in the psf - comatic on the right side of the CCD.
Then we passed to MODS, we finished Donnarumma and started Nonino macs0717.
30min lost to acquire a MOS mask for a second time because of the telescope unwrapping.
At the end of the night we had an error with MODS, that it could not lock the laser on the right side ... we were at lowish elevation (45).
We noticed that after the MOS acquisition with MODS, the stars were still not well centered in the slits, actually the stars on the upper side were better centered than the ones on the lower side. We had to adjust manually. We also noticed in a mask where some spectra were visible, that they were all on the upper side of the detector. Does this mean that the mask was mis-aligned?? All the bright reference sources were within their silts and we could see the spectra...
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Giallongo |
CL0024+16 |
g-sloan - r-sloan |
2hr30min |
this program is considered completed |
Clementini |
AndXXV |
Bbess - Vbess |
20min |
seeing ~0.8'' but on the blue side the images are elongated |
Clementini |
Bbess - Vbess |
20min |
seeing ~0.8'' but on the blue side the images are elongated |
SA113 |
Bbess / g-sloan - Vbess / r-sloan |
4 positions -airmass 1.2 |
Stetson_L92 |
Bbess / g-sloan - Vbess / r-sloan |
4 positions - airmass 1.46 |
Donnarruma |
MAC0717b1 |
MODS red grating |
2250sec |
STD 5''slit + arc +flat +bias (for calib files look a UT 20111126) |
Donnarruma |
MAC0717b2 |
MODS red grating |
2250sec |
STD 5''slit + arc +flat +bias (for calib files look a UT 20111126) |
Nonino |
macsj0717+3745 |
MODS dual grating |
2hr30min |
STD 5''slit + arc +flat +bias (for calib files look a UT 20111126) |
00:10 Turn ON LBC
00:15 Take some test Bias frames to see if everything is working
- 25Bias_Bino - the lights are OFF but vent doors are open
00:33 Taking
00:55 Slew to STD SA113 - dofpia
-486 64 57 -1638 -221 -445 -10 0.94 0.82 red
-9934 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 3.92 blue
-1384 219 49 166 -100 184 100 1.07 0.57 red
-1002 -173 -405 -1575 -319 -330 -17 1.75 0.86 blue
-595 176 99 -499 -51 244 67 1.18 0.37 red
-360 -408 139 -232 -86 119 100 1.96 0.25 blue
306 30 133 29 -37 101 53 1.07 0.16 red
611 -381 -146 425 -90 -243 57 1.86 0.37 blue
01:06 SA113_Bg_Vr
- 4 positions in filters Bbess-g-SLOAB and Vbess-r-SLOAN
- airmass 1.2
- g band seemed saturated - repeat
01:20 Slew to Stetson_L92_Bg_Vr
- 4 positions in filters Bbess-g-SLOAB and Vbess-r-SLOAN
- airmass 1.46
01:28 Slew to Pointing Star ACT0364 for collimation and pointing correction
4094 -150 -7 535 -711 -143 13 1.09 1.67 red
1647 -5 159 -428 -587 -165 45 1.71 0.74 blue
166 -23 -98 -206 39 -174 35 0.94 0.18 red
38 -170 -43 11 7 -152 65 1.12 0.14 blue
01:38 M31_AndXXV_400s_2
293 -45 -68 90 100 -193 21 0.93 0.20 red
1082 -86 -176 -190 211 -131 17 1.25 0.46 blue
-1340 -62 54 157 -670 350 15 0.95 0.66 red
543 178 40 193 11 -179 20 1.27 0.27 blue
1663 -89 -75 -57 527 -302 0 0.98 0.73 red
225 -48 85 56 78 -78 15 1.34 0.14 blue
-46 -52 -65 -53 201 -127 20 1.03 0.15 red
248 -54 112 -55 40 -67 -4 1.27 0.14 blue
* dimm seeing 0.8
01:45 M31_AndXXV_400s_2
- dimm seeing 0.8
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 1.0''/ Red 0.8''
- blue channel are elongated on 2nd image
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 1.1''/ Red 0.8''
- blue doesn't send correction, red does
- dimm seeing 0.8
- 3th blue is elongated
02:09 Slew M31_AndXXVII_400s_2
1053 -56 45 180 -233 -212 -8 1.00 0.46 red
3514 -74 -198 279 61 -210 -34 1.46 1.40 blue
297 -42 -57 -90 208 -167 6 0.97 0.20 red
-2 66 114 67 -154 0 -10 1.53 0.12 blue
02:12 M31_AndXXVII_400s_2
- dimm seeing 0.9
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 0.97''/ Red 0.72''
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 1.0''/ Red 0.8''
02:35 Run focus OB
- dofpia and rangebal on a target in Giallongo_CL0024+16_GR1 field
1127 -3 -29 -421 261 -217 -51 0.96 0.52 red
2234 155 -57 -106 397 -74 -29 1.69 0.91 blue
-144 109 194 310 43 -71 -14 0.98 0.19 red
-164 174 43 112 -12 88 -13 1.60 0.14 blue
02:45 Giallongo_CL0024+16_GR4
- dimm seeing 0.8
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 1.0''/ Red 0.8''
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 0.9''/ Red 0.8''
- during the second half of the OB the blue images start being elongated - it does not hold focus on the blue side
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 0.8''/ Red 0.7''
03:25 dofpia
1311 -4 -128 132 216 -91 -67 0.94 0.54 red
1359 94 -205 -83 -385 -64 -50 1.45 0.57 blue
-161 88 -100 -208 109 93 -36 0.94 0.16 red
337 45 -157 0 -52 -53 -52 1.37 0.17 blue
03:28 Giallongo_CL0024+16_GR5
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 0.8''/ Red 0.7''
- seeing measured on the images: Blue 0.85''/ Red 0.7''
04:07 dofpia
-1034 43 -43 58 -72 -43 -30 0.67 0.42 red
501 -189 -102 160 91 3 -26 1.16 0.24 blue
47 105 67 -24 -73 -44 -30 0.66 0.10 red
623 114 256 -8 84 -13 -26 1.02 0.27 blue
-274 -22 52 53 -52 26 -15 0.63 0.14 red
-666 -58 -108 22 89 112 -5 0.94 0.29 blue
-6 29 -56 46 24 -14 -22 0.59 0.08 red
180 -116 88 119 75 54 6 1.06 0.14 blue
04:14 Giallongo_CL0024+16_GR6
- seeing measured on the images: ~0.6''
- in the red images the sources look like donuts
- we stop the OB almost half way (4blue images + 7red) because the last red images are not useful
04:34 dofpia
-1798 -66 35 -128 57 -125 5 0.39 0.72 red
519 -69 -101 -85 60 -186 -5 1.03 0.26 blue
-282 -40 6 131 -4 -24 2 0.45 0.15 red
200 -112 30 7 -4 -83 -24 1.02 0.13 blue
-164 -13 36 -106 -39 12 3 0.47 0.11 red
-247 -93 69 0 -54 80 8 0.96 0.14 blue
04:38 Giallongo_CL0024+16_GR7
- seeing measured on the images: ~0.6''
- dimm seeing 0.7''
- many sources on the red side look saturated... (?)
05:18 dofpia
-113 -15 -56 -68 448 -134 -9 0.52 0.24 red
-552 -159 -151 216 124 -15 8 1.25 0.27 blue
9 28 41 14 -53 -5 3 0.53 0.08 red
235 164 88 -97 49 -100 -12 1.30 0.16 blue
05:22 Giallongo_CL0024+16_GR8
- seeing measured on the images: ~0.6''
- dimm seeing 1.0
- dimm seeing 0.7
- seeing measured on the images: ~0.6''
06:02 dofpia
498 59 109 52 -31 -119 -6 0.64 0.23 red
4 211 12 52 -57 -7 -3 1.15 0.11 blue
172 30 -50 -38 29 -69 -1 0.69 0.12 red
-189 -89 -91 -142 66 116 2 1.22 0.15 blue
06:05 Giallongo_CL0024+16_GR4
- dimm seeing 1.0
- seeing measured on the images: 0.6''-0.7''
- interrupted at the middle again because on the red side there is a gradient in the psf - on the right side the sources are comatic (9red + 6 blue) - 18min
06:58 acqMODS mods.7189.201130b2.acq
0001 - 0005
- dimm seeing 0.9'' - gcs 0.9''
- mods1r.20111128.0001.fits - slit image
- mods1r.20111128.0002.fits - field image
- mods1r.20111128.0003.fits - throughslit image
- we did a bit of manual adjustment because the stars at the lower part seemed to be a bit offset (-0.246arcsec in dY)
07:25 execMODS mods.7189.201130b2_1exp.obs
08:06 acqMODS mods.7190.201130b1.acq
- mods1r.20111128.0007.fits - slit image
- mods1r.20111128.0008.fits - field image
- mods1r.20111128.0009.fits - throughslit image
- we did a bit of manual adjustment because the stars at the lower part seemed to be a bit offset (-0.5 arcsec in dY)
08:25 execMODS mods.7190.201130b1_1exp.obs
09:06 acqMODS macsj0717_lbt_mods_27_IX_2011.acq
- mods1r.20111128.0012.fits - slit image
- mods1r.20111128.0013.fits - field image
- mods1r.20111128.0014.fits - throughslit image
- we did a bit of manual adjustment because the stars at the lower part seemed to be a bit offset (-0.74 arcsec in dY)
09:25 macsj0717_lbt_mods_27_IX_2011_exp16.obs
mods1r 0016-0017 / mods1b 0001-0002
10:06 presets cancelled - we crossed the meridian and the telescope is unwrapping
- we need to repeat the acquisition
10:08 acqMODS macsj0717_lbt_mods_27_IX_2011.acq
10:19 we had to abort the preset again because of azimuth unwrapping problem again
- probably before the preset was cancelled for another reason
10:24 acqMODS macsj0717_lbt_mods_27_IX_2011.acq
10:35 execMODS macsj0717_lbt_mods_27_IX_2011_exp16.obs
mods1r 0023-0030 / mods1b 0003-0010
- dimm seeing 0.86''
- abort because it is getting bright - 8 exposures in each channel (10 total)
12:53 acqMODS standard_star.acq
0031 - 0032
13:04 execMODS standard_star.obs
13:10 execMODS standard_star.obs
mods1r 0034 / mods1b 0011
- repeat with dual grating
- the OBJECT name on the blue side is "macsj0717+3745" and not "BD+75d325 dual grating" as expected, because we did not update the script
- 5arcsec slit
>> imcslock
** Abort, Retry or Ignore? > retry
** standard_star.obs aborted with errors at line 8 command 'imcslock'
- we got the same error again - but this time we ignore and take the standard with the blue grating also
>> imcslock
** Abort, Retry or Ignore? > i
** Ignoring error and continuing...
13:18 acqMODS standard_star1arcsec.acq
- mods1r.20111128.0035.fits - slit image
- we lost the guide star - we calculated the offsets and we try to observe without guiding
13:26 execMODS standard_star1arcsec.obs
mods1r 0034 / mods1b 0012
- the lazer gave error again for the red side - we take the exposure anyway but it might not be centered anymore because we are not guiding
- no star in the slit .... no standard with 1'' slit
- Seeing reported by GCS during MODS observatioins:
KonstantinaBoutsia - 28 Nov 2011