INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2011 October 23-24
Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana, P. Santini
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC
Clear skies in the afternoon. Very good seeing while observing with LBC (<0.9'') in the first half of the night. Most probably photometric.
We tried to switch to MODS but it didn't work (AO secondary), so we lost 2 hours and switched back to LBC.
We repeated some OBs done the previous nights which were out of specs. The seeing got a little worse (<1.2). It is also possible that the blue channel was not sending focus offsets.
Only LBC data for tonight - MODS was not available because of AO mirror problem.
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
SA113 |
Bbess - Vbess / Ibess |
4 positions - airmass 1.2 |
Clementini |
AndXXV |
Bbess - Vbess |
1h 20min |
Clementini |
Bbess - Vbess |
1h 20min |
Stetson_L92 |
Bbess - Vbess / Ibess |
1 position - airmass 1.2 |
Stetson_L92 |
Bbess / Uspec - Vbess / Ibess |
4 position - airmass 2.5 |
SA98 |
Bbess / Uspec - Vbess / Ibess |
4 positions - airmass 1.3 |
Bragaglia |
NGC1817 |
Bbess - Vbess / Ibess |
20min |
Bellazzini |
Sextans |
26min |
SA101 |
all filters |
3 positions - airmass 1.54 |
12:49 Slew for Test
- BI 0 (3sec-1sec) scale 0.5 - B 35000 counts / I 30000 counts (01:07)
- BI 180 (3sec-1sec) scale 1 - B 20000 counts / I 20000 counts (01:10)
- UspV 180 (4.5sec-1sec) scale 10 - Usp 30000 counts / V 20000 counts (1:17)
- V 0 (1sec) scale 20 and 50 but counts are low (9000counts) and stars show.
01:36 Slew to pointing star WT10_219
01:51 lbcrangebal on WT10_219
01:55 Slew to SA113 for standard calibration (airmass=1.2)
02:01 Slew to M31_AndXXV_400s_24
- dofpia
- the blue channel has a wrong seeing estimate and it does not correct sperical.
- Olga has modified the code and we run dofpia again.
02:15 M31_AndXXV_400s_24
- seeing measured on first images ~0.7(blue) ~0.8 (red)
- seeing measured on images <0.9''
- seeing measured on last images ~ 0.7 (blue) ~ 0.8(red)
02:38 Slew to M31_AndXXVII_400s_24
02:42 M31_AndXXVII_400s_24.ob
- seeing measured on first images ~0.7 (blue) ~ 0.7 (red)
- seeing measured on images <0.67 (blue) ~0.72 (red)
03:05 Slew to M31_AndXXV_400s_5
03:08 M31_AndXXV_400s_5.ob
- seeing measured on first images ~0.72 (blue) <0.77 (red)
- seeing measured on images ~0.72 (blue) <0.83 (red)
- seeing measured on last images <0.77 (blue) ~0.8-0.9 (red)
03:32 Slew to M31_AndXXVII_400s_5
03:35 M31_AndXXVII_400s_5.ob
- seeing measured on first images <0.81 (blue) ~0.67 (red)
- seeing measured on images <0.77 (blue) ~0.74 (red)
- seeing measured on last images <0.77 (blue) <0.79 (red)
03:59 Slew to M31_AndXXV_400s_17
04:02 M31_AndXXV_400s_17.ob
- seeing measured on first images ~0.7 (blue) <0.83 (red)
- seeing measured on images ~0.74 (blue) ~0.68 (red)
- seeing measured on last images ~0.79 (blue) <0.81 (red)
04:26 Slew to M31_AndXXVII_400s_17
04:30 M31_AndXXVII_400s_17.ob
- seeing measured on first images <0.83 (blue) <0.79 (red)
- seeing measured on images <0.77 (blue) <0.79 (red)
- seeing measured on last images <0.81 (blue) ~0.74 (red)
04:55 Slew to M31_AndXXV_400s_18
04:59 M31_AndXXV_400s_18.ob
- seeing measured on first images <0.81 (blue) <0.79 (red)
- seeing measured on images ~0.79 (blue) ~0.77 (red)
- seeing measured on last images ~0.9 (blue) ~0.79 (red)
05:22 Slew to M31_AndXXVII_400s_18
05:26 M31_AndXXVII_400s_18.ob
- seeing measured on first images ~0.9 (blue) ~0.81 (red)
- seeing measured on last images ~0.9 (blue) ~0.8 (red)
05:49 Slew to Stetson_L92 (airmass 1.18)
- While turning OFF the LBC we got an error
(RED Channel) one or more systems failed:
(FILTERS) hardware failure!
motion return error (out: ) [src/filters/filters.c:1687]
filters system encountered a problem
- Error while trying to move the swing arm for MODS configuration * The AO secondary also gave error.
07:09 MODS calibration files
- Arc LS5x60x0.8 (001-003) (red and blue)
- Arc LS5x60x0.6 (004-006) (red and blue)
- VFlat LS5x60x0.8 (007-011) (red and blue)
- Flat qth1LS5x60x0.8 Test (012) (red and blue)
- Flat qth1LS5x60x0.8 (013-017) (red and blue)
- Flat qth2LS5x60x0.8 (018-022) (red and blue)
- Flat qth1LS60x5 Test (023-024)) (red and blue)
- Abort switch again to LBC
08:22 Slew to WT10_267 for pointing correction
- preset cancelled
- telescope slewed but not to the correct coordinates ... preset cancelled again
- send preset 3rd time...
- dofpia
- correct pointing (lbcrangebal)
08:35 Slew to ngc1817
08:40 ngc1817.ob
- seeing measured on images <0.67 (blue) ~0.72 (red)
08:57 LBC error
- (RED Channel) OB execution error:
- (CAMERA) RPC Client/Host communication failed!
- (RED Channel) one or more systems failed:
- (CAMERA) RPC Client/Host communication failed!
09:06 LBC is ON
- continue previous OB: no need to start the OB from the beginning
- one out of 3 images with 5 sec exposure is missing, but this entire OB was already observed two nights ago (although sky was not photometric)
09:13 Slew to ngc1817
- dofpia
- since ngc1817 is visible until the end of the night we first observe one more OB of runs 16.A and 16.B to have better seeing
09:17 Slew to M31_AndXXV_400s_1
- program is finished, but since we have time we run one more OB to have better seeing
- dofpia (09:20)
09:23 M31_AndXXV_400s_1
- seeing measured on first images <0.86 (blue) <0.83 (red)
- seeing measured on images <0.86 (blue) <0.95 (red)
- seeing measured on last images <0.81 (blue) <0.92 (red)
- airmass=1.4-1.45
09:46 Slew to M31_AndXXVII_400s_1
- program is finished, but since we have time we run one more OB to have better seeing
- dofpia
09:49 M31_AndXXVII_400s_1
- seeing measured on first images <0.86 (blue) ~0.83 (red)
- seeing measured on images <0.97 (blue) <0.9 (red) * seeing measured on last images <1.13 (blue) <0.92 (red)
- airmass=1.45-1.6
10:12 Standard star Stetson_L92_1
- dithering 4 positions
- airmass ~ 2.5
10:23 Standard star SA98_B_VI
10:37 ngc1817short
10:49 ngc1817short
- seeing measured on first images ~0.85 (blue) ~0.67 (red)
10:57 N2419_1.ob
11:05 N2419_1.ob
- seeing measured on first images ~0.90 (blue) ~0.74 (red)
- seeing measured later ~1. (blue) ~0.65 (red)
11:23 N2419_6.ob
11:27 N2419_6.ob
- seeing measured on first images ~ 0.88 (blue) ~ 0.81 (red)
11:38 Sextans_B_short.ob
11:44 Sextans_B_short.ob
- seeing measured on images ~1.13 (blue) ~1 (red)
- both channels are slightly elongated, maybe because of the large airmass
11.49 Sextans_B
11.54 Sextans_B
- airmass~1.6
- seeing measured on first images ~1.24 (blue) ~1 (red)
- the blue image is slightly elongated, the red is not
- seeing measured on first images ~1.24 (blue) ~1.13 (red)
12:23 SA101_AllFilters
- airmass 1.54
- 3 positions - the sky is getting too bright
12:38 Slew for flats
- g-sloan-r-sloan PA (1sec each) PA 0 scale 4: 20000counts - 15000counts
- g-sloan-r-sloan (1sec each) PA 180 scale 2: >15000counts - >11000counts
- Uspec-Vbessel (3sec - 1sec ) PA 180 scale 2: >27000counts - >25000counts
- Uspec-Vbessel (3sec - 1sec ) PA 0 scale 0.5: 34000counts - 33000counts
- Uspec-Vbessel (3sec - 1sec ) PA 0 scale 0.5: 41000counts - 41000counts
- Uspec-Vbessel (3sec - 1sec ) PA 0 scale 0.5: 55000counts - 57000counts
KonstantinaBoutsia - 24 Oct 2011