INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2011 April 03 -04
Observer: R. Speziali, K. Boutsia
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales
Support Astronomer: M. Pedani
Instrument: LUCIFER
Unable to open due to strong wind (>20m/sec) in 2/3rds of the night
In the LUCIFER image header the RA appears with a + in front since the beginning of our run
When we open the dome we have a big temperature difference of ~7deg between the mirror and ambient
When we start observing the difference is 5deg
2hrs of observing time
Data Summary
* ~3:00* LBC tests. Taken several images with different filters to test the camera.
- The red camera had unrecoverable error at the beginning of the tests.
- By switching off and on a coupple of times the two cameras we could restart the test.
- No problems for the remaining hundreds images.
10:11 - Open Dome
- The first image estimate on the AGW and dimm show ~2.0''
- We slew to Turatto SN2010gi because of higher seeing constraints
10:28 - image aquisition for Turatto SN2010gi
- on the aquisition image we measure seeing <1.2''
- we decide to go to HDF - Maiolino because higher priority and now it seems within specs
10:34 - Slew to Maiolino HDF_K2 acquisition
- seeing 1.2'' but seem to be getting worse...
11:08 - Science script HDF_K2_3
- seeing on the GCS very variable 1.5''-3.00''
- we can see the spectra in 2 slits and we continue
- at the last exposures GCS seeing 1.7''
12:15 - Slew for Tell acq
- no guide star found - correct pointing and repeat preset
12:21 - Slew for Tell acq again
- during acquisition we lost the guide star because it got too bright
12:36 - End of night configuration -
KonstantinaBoutsia - 04 Apr 2011