++++ INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2011 April 02-03

Observer: R. Speziali, K. Boutsia
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales
Support Astronomer: M. Pedani
Instrument: LUCIFER


Unable to open due to strong wind (>20m/sec)

Data Summary

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Gallerani ----- 210zJHK+Z --- FLAT
Gallerani ----- 210zJHK+J --- FLAT
Maiolino (HDF_K2) 200H+K+ OrderSep --- FLAT


Begin night with Lucifer

* DoDarks for yesterday's run 0001-0037
  • the ones taken on the 20110402 show persitence from the saturated skyflats taken previously.

04:00 - Gallerani spectroscopic flats
  • J 0038-0049 (18 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - HALO1=2500 ADU/DIT, HALO2=500 ADU/DIT)

04:33 - Maiolino HDF_K2 Flats
  • H-K 0050-0055 (5 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - 7000 ADU/DIT)
  • H-K 0056-0061 (8 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - 2500 ADU/DIT)

05:02 - Gallerani spectroscopic Z flats
  • Z 0062-0065 (8 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - 100 ADU/DIT) -> abort
  • Z 0066-0068 (200 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - 12000 ADU/DIT) -> abort
  • Z 0066-0068 (40 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - 12000 ADU/DIT) -> abort
  • Z 0069-0080 (40 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - HALO1=6500 ADU/DIT, HALO2=1500 ADU/DIT )
  • Z 0081-0091 (60 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - HALO1=1000 ADU/DIT, HALO2=2500 ADU/DIT )
  • J 0092-0094 (35 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - 12000 ADU/DIT) -> abort
  • J 0095-0106 (30 sec x DIT - NDIT=3 - HALO1=10000 ADU/DIT, HALO2=3500 ADU/DIT )

*End of Night

-- KonstantinaBoutsia - 03 Apr 2011
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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