++++ INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2011 March 28 - 29
Observer: R. Speziali, L. Pentericci, K. Boutsia
Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC - LUCIFER
Clear night with seeing <1.0'' - could be photometric
The Buttiglione program has been repeated and now it is within specs - completed
We had problems with Lucifer - first the compressor alarm went off and it was giving the INSTRUMENT CRITICAL error on the intrument panel
We were not able to center the HDF_K1 mask of Maiolino because the MOS ACQ routine was not giving the correct offsets
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Buttiglione |
B-bessel, z-sloan |
1.5h |
seeing ~1.0'' - within specs this time |
Grazian |
U-spec, r-sloan |
20min |
seeing >1.2'' - OB Aborted |
Gallerani |
SDSSJ1048+4637_ref |
210zJHK+Z |
2hr |
seeing measure on the image <1.0'' - Tell +ARC+FLAT |
SA098 |
UsBg_rz |
SA101 |
UsBg_rz |
Begin night with LBC
01:27 -Connect to LBT - 10Bias_Bino
- There is a gradient in the biases - red channel - left to right
- Biases taken with the dome open!!
01:56 - Skyflat
- Uspec - z : 2sec - 0.5sec PA=0
- Bbess - z : 1.1sec - 1sec PA=0
- Bbess - z : 3.3sec - 3.0 sec PA=180 e le ultime 2 esposizioni 6.6 sec e 6.0
- g-sloan - r-sloan : 5.0sec - 6.0 sec PA=180
- g-sloan - r-sloan : 15.0sec - 18.0 sec PA=0
02:25 - Slew to pointing star WT10_197
* dofpia before correcting pointing - almost converged - calculated seeing Blue 1.9/Red 0.97 - 1 deg tem difference for the mirrors
* Pointing correction OK + mirror adjust OK with the new IRAF script lbcrangebal
02:41 - slew to PHOT_STD - SA098 dofpia,
- we manually gave positive Z22 at the left side because pupils looks fuzzy.
- it took us some time to converge but the results seems much better than yesterday.
- when started the exposure airmass of the standard is ~1.2
- dimm gives ~1.0'' seeing
03:13 - slew to Buttiglione_HATLAS_1 -dofpia
03:21 - observing target Buttiglione_HATLAS_1
- image quality much better
- seeing measured on the images is <1.0'' in both sides
04:05 - dofpia - 2 iterations to converge
04:09 - observing target Buttiglione_HATLAS_2
- seeing on the dimm 0.85''
04:52 - dofpia
04:56 - observing target Buttiglione_HATLAS_3
05:39 - Slew to PHOT_STD - SA101 dofpia
- filters observed Uspec, Bbess, g-sloan_z-sloan, r-sloan
05:49 - Slew to Grazian EGS - dofpia
- it took 4 iterations to converge
- seeing seems to get worse - we are measuring ~1.2''
05:59 - grazian_EGS_UR_1
- OB aborted after 20 minutes because seeing is getting worse and images are out of spec
- dimm 1.2-1.3'' and seeing measured on the blue images is >1.3''
06:55 - Slew to Gallerani SDSSJ1048+4637_ref for acq
- centering on the target and not the reference star
07:17 - SG9_spec_science_Z_3.txt
- seeing measured on the images <1.0''
- seeing on the dimm is variable 0.7''-1.2''
08:25 - SG9_spec_science_Z_4.txt
- first we made an Y-9.5'' offset to position object at the initial position
- seeing measured on the image 0.9''
- there is an alarm - INSTRUMENT CRITICAL! - on the instrument control GUI
- we go on with the OB
09:31 - Tell acq for Gallerani
09:41 - Telluric science script for Gallerani
09:45 - Calib Unit IN
09:55 - Finished with Calibration
- there is a compressor alarm
- bring telescope to zenith in order to manually reset the compressor alarm
- after 10 minutes they decide not to intervene - we can go on with the acquisition of the next field
10:04 - MOS acquisition for Maiolino HDF_K1
- the mask pin-holes look elongated and we INITIALIZE
- the problem persists and we initialize again
- the second time it was a bit better so we switch from N3.75 to N1.8 and then initialize for the 3rd time
- this times the pin-holes look sharp - we start all over again
- the MOS ACQ button gives almost 0.0 offsets
- we don't see the objects and we increase the exposure time to 25x6
- after the last MOS ACQ the upper object seems to be in the slit, but the bottom object seems to be offset - is there an error in calculating the rotation (??)
12:07 - twilight is passed and we still don't understand why the MOS ACQ does not calculate the correct offsets
- Olga is repeating the acquisition trying to figure out what went wrong
12:35 -
EndofNight Script -
KonstantinaBoutsia - 28 Mar 2011