++++ INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2011 January 30 - 31
Observer: K. Boutsia, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LUCIFER
Mostly clear at the beginning of the night but thick clouds are approaching (visible now at the horizon)
Clouds are passing by throughout the night
Dome remained closed for most of the night due to clouds - high wind - high humidity
During operational time we had problems with the calibration unit - we found it switched off and it had to be restarted manually
Data Summary
Turatto |
SN2011B |
J, H, Ks |
12 s + 12 s + 24 s |
Turatto |
SN2011B |
200HK , orderSep |
2000sec |
arc+flat+tell |
Turatto |
SN2010al |
J, H |
640 sec+ 504sec |
clouds passing by - H imaging interrupted - dome closed |
Begin night with LUCIFER
12:50 - Sky flats
- Ks flat
high (16000counts) 0012-0021
medium (10000) 0022-0031
low (5000) - here the type keyword is DARK !!!
- H flats
high (16000) 0052-0061
low (5000) - the keyword has been correctly set to FLAT
- J flats
high (20000-16000) 0062-0081
med and low (7000 -4000)
01:12 - Pointing correction near the
SN2011B field (Turatto)
01:23 - Image Acquisition script for
SN2011B (Turatto)
- Sky is still too bright - no guide star found
- we wait and in the meantime we correct pointing again and collimate on Perssons star
01:36 - repeat image acquisition
SN2911B 0084-0085
- seeing on the guide star is around 1arcsec
01:40 - Science imaging scripts for 2011B
- J imaging
- H imaging
- Ks imaging
01:48 - Spec Acquisition script 2011B
01:57 - Spec Science script 2011B
- one extra image to see if object in the slit
no good because grating still in...
- problems with the calibration unit - 10minutes lost
- the calib unit had set itself off and had to be manually restarted
here the PI is KBoutsia because the archive information was missing
02:55 - Acquisition of the telluric for
SN2011B 0135-0138
03:06 - Telluric Science acquisition
- we have changed the offsets so that the first spectrum does not end in the saturated part of the detector (0 50 / 0 -100)
- too large offset - lost guide star
- repeat with smaller offsets (0 30 / 0 30)
03:13 - Slew to SN2010al (Turatto) for image acquisition
03:22 - Science imaging for SN2010al
- J
- during the 4th offset is getting quite cloudy - the guide star is blurry
- the script failed during the 7th offset because could not find the guiding star
03:36 - too cloudy - we can't see the guide star and we wait
- the wind is picking up (18m/sec)
03:44 - we can see the guide star again - continue science imaging for SN2010al
- J imaging
we omitted the first 3 offsets because they should be fine - 5 offsets this time to finish the OB
- H imaging
clouds going through - 8th and 9th offset not much to see - at 10th offset it quit
04:12 - we wait for the guide star to appear again
04:30 - clouds are getting thicker -
DOME closed
07:40 - Opening Dome
07:45 - Pointing Correction
- the tertiary is giving errors - probably is moving too much because of the wind
08:02 - Spec acquisition for SDSSJ1048+4637 (Gallerani)
- we can not see the guide star
- we try with alternative guide star but we still cannot see anything
08:08 - Clouds are building up again and the wind is getting stronger -
closing dome again
13:08 - Dark frames -
End of the night
- the dark frames tonight were taken with the blinds off and are not reliable (frames - luci_20110131_Dark_???.fits)
- dark frames for tonight's images were obtained at the beginning of the following night and can be found in the directory /data/luci/20110201/
VincenzoTesta - 31 Jan 2011