INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 October 10-11
Observer: V. Testa, K.Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D.Gonzales Huerta
Support Astronomer: O.Kuhn
Instrument: LBC - LUCIFER
Clear sky with bad seeing at the beginning of the night
Time lost because of guiding problems with LBC
A MOS script might be compromised because of LUCIFER problems
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Clementini |
AndXXI - AndXIX |
B-bessel, V-bessel |
21min + 21min |
seeing >1.3'' and guiding problems |
Cresci |
DSF2237a |
Ks |
73min |
Cresci |
DSF2237b |
Ks |
75min |
Pentericci |
Cluster1 |
200H+K |
1h |
data may be compromised |
Turatto |
SN2009kr |
J, H, Ks |
640 s + 896 s + 896 s |
Turatto |
SN2010al |
J, H, Ks |
640 s + 896 s + 896 s |
Phot_STD |
FS152 |
Ks |
for the Cresci program |
Take some LUCIFER Dark frames in the afternoon for tests
- 2s (Dark_001)
- 300s (Dark_002)
- 60s (Dark_003)
- 60s (Dark_004) - during switch just for test
Begin night with LBC
01:13 - Skyflat Test LBC - B(blue) - V(red)
- 3sec B- 1 sec V saturated
- 0.3x(3 e 1)sec B - V
- 1.5 sec B - 0.5 sec V
- PA 180 - 3sec B + 3sec V
01:32 - Slew to pointing star ACT0219
- Pointing correction OK + mirror adjust OK
01:39 - slew to PHOT_STD - SA113 dofpia,
- manually give Z7 = -2000(Red+Blue) and Z8=-1000(Red)
- dofpia,/First
- sky is still bright - too few pupils found
- manually give Z4=+10000 (Red ) - Z4=+5000(Blue)
01:53 - Hit limits in red mirror - OB interrupted
- coma free pointing adjustment on dx
01:57 - restart OB for STD - SA113_B_V
02:01 - Slew to second standard - SA110 _B_V
* seeing ~1.3"
* temperature fell abruptly 1.5deg
02:06 - Slew to target
AndXXI (Clementini)
- dofpia
- seeing still bad (1.3"-1.5")
- Blue converged after 4 iterations, red after 7 stopped with only Z4 slightly out of limits
02:20 -
- sources are slightly elongated - seeing 1.6"(blue)-1.5"(red)
- guiding problems?? - out of focus?? - just bad seeing??
02:45 - Slew to
AndXIX - dofpia
- stopped after 6 iterations - close to converge
02:55 -
- images still elongated
- guiding star (especially blue) is moving around a lot!
- it is a guiding problem (blue is the master)
03:20 - OB finished but we have to solve the guiding problem
03:23 - Slew to
AndXXI repeat OB1
- put Red master and Blue slave
- dofpia
- stopped after 4th iteration - some astigmatism left
03:30 -
AndXXI OB1 - repeat exposure
03:47 - OB interrupted - the seeing is bad >1.5" (dimm 2.5")
- Pointing Correction by TO
04:16 - Slew to Campo A (Cresci)
- Ks imaging
- interrupted after 73 offsets, because it is complete
06:11 - Slew to Campo B (Cresci)
- Ks imaging
- Only 75 offsets executed
- interrupted because airmass limit reached (airmass>1.5)
- some elongation in the frames at low elevation
08:04 - Slew to PHOT_STD FS152
- pointing correction
- imaging in Ks
08:26 - Slew to Pentericci Clustrer1
- MOS acquisition
08:44 - Science spectroscopy script Cluster1 (Pentericci)
- interrupted because it seemed out of focus
- offset 0.0,1.5 (x,y) to bring the mask to initial position
08:59 - Repeat Science
SpecScript for Clusted1
- Sky lines are shifted and seem out of focus - INITIALIZE made no difference
- Call Germany - they say they will run tests at the end of night
- not clear if it moves between offsets or also during exposure (maybe that'a why it seems out of focus)
- maybe something wrong with the flexure compensation
- Script interrupted after 10 offsets + the 2 from before -> 12 offsets executed
- OB is considered finished but it maybe compromised
09:53 - Calib Unit IN
- ARC with Ar+Ne lamps
- ARC with Ar+Xe lamps
10:08 - Slew to SN2009kr image acquisition (Turatto)
- Interrupted to put Flexure compensation OFF
For the rest of the night all imaging scripts have Flexure compensation OFF
10:19 - Repeat SN2009kr image acquisition (Turatto)
10:21 - Science imaging scripts for SN2009kr
- Imaging H
- Imaging J
- Imaging script Ks
11:29 - Slew to SN2010sl for image acquisition
- Science imaging script H
- Science imaging script J
- Science imaging script Ks
- Sometimes it would give warnings about not reaching the guide star for the particular offset position
12:40 - Move to Flat position
- used script to make the flats and they were saved as luci_20101011_Flat_)
- Flats in J:
still dark, 011-020
low (4000), 031-040
high ( 18000-25000)
- Flats in H:
low (6000-9000), 041-050
high ( 18000-23000)
- Flats in Ks:
low (5000-8000), 071-090
high ( 14000-17000)
13:22 - END OF NIGHT
- Hand over the telescopes to Germany for the tests to see what causes the shifting
- They will run our Darks sciprt
VincenzoTesta - 11 Oct 2010