INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 October 09-10

Observer: V. Testa, K.Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D.Gonzales Huerta
Support Astronomer: O.Kuhn
Instrument: LBC - LUCIFER


relatively clear sky with some clouds during the night
Seeing on average decent: ~1" in the IR, ~1.2-1.5 in R (according to the AG FWHM)
30min lost because of telescope communication problems
30min lost because of instrument problems (LBC)

Data Summary

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Turatto SN2009jf J, H, Ks 80s + 160s + 240s seeing around 1"
Cresci DSF2237A Ks 50min seeing below 1", maybe 5min with clouds
Longhetti S2F1-142 150Ks 4hr seeing below 1" -Telluric+ARC+FLAT, maybe some clouds


01:17 - Strange flats

01:48 - Slew to pointing star ACT0219
  • Pointing correction OK + mirror adjust OK

01:51 - slew to SA113 dofpia,
  • dofpia,/First
  • red image looks like a bias.

02:03 - Turn OFF/ Turn ON LBC
  • Does not work. It's a problem with the r-SLOAN filter wheel, try other filters

02:35 - Use a last-but-one version of the software
  • No light from r-SLOAN as well. Problem with filter wheels in the red.
  • Seeing is however quite poor (~1.5")


03:11 - Slew to SN2009jf image acquisition (Turatto) 001-002

03:18 - Science imaging scripts for SN2009jf
  • Imaging H 003-004
  • Imaging J 005-008
  • OB interrupted because objects are elongated - INITIALIZE

03:29 - Image acquisition for SN2009jf 011-012
  • changed acquisition script offset to absolute
  • Science imaging script H 013-016
  • Science imaging script J 017-020
  • Science imaging script Ks 021-024

03:47 - Slew to CampoA (Cresci)

03:55 - Slew to CampoA (Cresci) after changing guide star 025-028
  • interrupted because images are elongated again
  • To correct focus, we switch cameras (N3.75 -> N1.8 -> N3.75) and INITIALIZE
  • restart OB - interrupted because of ReadOut Manager error - IntegrationAbortedException

04:10 - Science script for Ks Imaging CampoA 0029-0073
  • 45 Jitters done, exited at 05:27 by telescope comm. error

05:32 - Connected again the telescope but still not working, restart telescope server on the Lucifer side

05:39 - Back again to Cresci Campo A collimating

05:50 - CLOUDS!!
  • Lost target, script stopped. 0074-0081 probably last two or three not good

05:56 - Slew to Telluric1 Longhetti (error in committing telescope)
  • Unable to get DD entries via IRS (error message)

06:28 - Telescope problem solved - slew to TEL1 (Longhetti)
  • acquisition 0082-0084

06:36 - Science script fot TEL1 0085-0092

06:41 - Slew to science target Longhetti
  • acquisition 0093-0095

06:54 - Science script Longhetti 8th run 0096-0103
  • at the end of the OB offset Y +64 to go back to starting position

07:38 - Science script Longhetti 9th run 0104-0111
  • at the end of the OB offset Y +64 to go back to starting position

08:23 - Science script Longhetti 10th run 0112-0119
  • at the end of the OB offset Y +64 to go back to starting position

09:07 - Science script Longhetti 11th run 0120-0127
  • at the end of the OB offset Y +64 to go back to starting position

09:52 - Science script Longhetti 12th run 0128-0135
  • at the end of the OB offset Y +64 to go back to starting position

10:36 - Science script Longhetti 13th run 0136
  • on 2nd offset - lost guiding - OB canceled

10:47 - repeat acquisition of Longhetti target 0137-0139

11:02 - Repeat science script Longhetti 13th run 0140-147

11:47 - Slew to Telluric2 Longhetti
  • target acquisition 148-152

12:00 - Science script fot TEL2 0153-0160

12:04 - Slew back to science target Longhetti because images of the last run seem faint
  • clouds? - out of focus? - target not centered in the slit ?
  • repeat acquisition and last run after INITIALIZE
  • target acquisition 0161-0163

12:21 - Repeat science script Longhetti 13th run 0164-167
  • after 4th integration OB interrupted because of twilight

12:44 - Calibration Unit IN
  • Start with FLATS - aborted 0168-0192
  • ARCS with flexure compensation OFF 0193-0198
  • ARCS with flexure compensation ON 0199-0204
  • These calibration files DO NOT have PARTNER and PI on the header
  • correct script - including archive information
  • move telescope to the HORIZON
  • FLATS with flexure compensation ON and telescope at the horizon 0205-0454

13:35 - Darks - End of Night

-- VincenzoTesta - 10 Oct 2010
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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