INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 October 07-08
Observer: V. Testa, K.Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D.Gonzales Huerta
Support Astronomer: O.Kuhn
Instrument: LBC
quite cloudy at the beginning of the night
> 2 hrs lost because of mirror problems (Co-pointing did not work and red mirror would not converge)
> 3 hrs lost because of wrongly tilted gratings, diagonal slits, NB4 changed to NB6 and other amenities as such
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Clementini |
AndXXI - AndXIX |
B-bessel, V-bessel |
21min + 21min |
seeing ~1.3'', out of specs |
Turatto |
SN2009ig |
J, H, Ks |
640 s + 896 s + 896 s |
seeing around 1" |
Turatto |
SN2010hq |
J, H, Ks |
20s + 8s + 8s |
seeing below 1" |
Turatto |
SN2010hq |
200HK |
800 s |
seeing below 1" - Telluric + ARC +FLAT |
01:21 - Slew for flats
01:30 - Flats
- Flat script in binocular mode SkyFlat_BI
- Flat script in binocular mode SkyFlat_VV
- Scripts created with
01:35 - Filter Error (Timeout error Stop) - restart Flat_VV
01:39 - Switch OFF/ON LBC
01:48 - Slew to Pointing Star - ACT0219
01:58 - Problems with the red primary mirror (collimation position error)
02:04 - Slew to standard SA113_BV_VI - dofpia
* Hit limits on primary mirror
* dofpia, /BackOut
02:20 - Slew to
AndXXI (Clementini)
- Filter system stopped (RED)
- we have to start from scratch - including pointing correction
02:22 - Slew to pointing star - ACT0338
- Slew again - correct pointing
02:40 - Hit limits - correct pointing and mirror adjust
- Co-pointing does NOT work,
- We decide to go on without co-pointing
02:54 - Slew to
AndXXI (Clementini) - dofpia
- Z7=+2000 (red, given manually)
- red does not converge
03:21 - STOP - Clear optics - dofpia
- Olga calls Andrew because red mirror keeps giving coma
03:48 - dofpia
- z7=+2500, z8=+1000 (red, given manually)
- red does not converge
03:53 - dofpia, /Redonly
- interrupted - red does not converge
04:10 - dofpia
- we try to set values manually at the beginning
- Z11=+1500 (Blue) and Z7=-2000 Z8=+1500 Z11=+1000 (Red)
04:18 - Exposure - M31_AndXXI_420s_1 (Clementini)
- seeing: 1.2'' (Red) - >1.3'' (Blue)
04:46 - Slew to
AndXIX (Clementini) - dofpia
- dofpia oscillates a lot, probably because of bad seeing
- we stop it and try to do the exposure anyway
04:50 - Exposure - M31_AndXIX_420s_1 (Clementini)
- seeing: ~1.2'' (Red) - ~1.4'' (Blue)
- seeing out of spec in both OBs
05:59 - Ready to go, pointing already checked. Acquire Longhetti telluric 1 (Hip13917)
06:06 - Collimated and guiding, acquiring
- offsetting the telescope seems no to work, both with the N,W,E,S button then x,y shift, change coordinate system RADEC-->DETXY
06:16 - Stop and restart acquisition
06:23 - Telluric1 (Hip13917)
06:29 - After struggling a while to put the object in the slit, we discovered the slit placement in the cabinet has changed wrt the manual and we were using 2" slit instead of 1"
- have to redo the telluric.
- Another hour wasted, this was in the wiki but not in the manual;
06:57 - Telluric 1 - Acquisition with the right slit
07:07 - Telluric 1 - Spectra
- 0031 - don't see the spectrum, only the very right of the chip.....
07:20 - Called Nancy for help
- it turns out that the 150Ks grating is not in the correct position. So we'll have to do the acquisition, take out instrument setup, then call Nancy who will setup the proper tilt for us.
07:45 - Redo Pointing Correction
- The slit is not perfectly aligned along Y so likely the target will fall also out of the slit like the telluric does when it is offset by -50" * Tests to see slit position and other technical frames
08:17 - move to another target but before TO needs some minutes to take the enclosure out of the wind (that blows at ~14 m/s)
08:23 - Slew to SN2009ig -acquisition (Turatto)
08:27 - Science script for imaging SN2009ig
- J
, H 0075-0090
, K 0091-0106
09:36 - Give telescope to TO for anti-wind positioning
09:47 - With assistance from Nancy we also reposition correctly the 3.75 camera that shows an unusual border.
10:10 - Acquisition SN2010hq imaging (Turatto)
- harder to recognize the field
10:20 - Science script for imaging SN2010hq
- J
0116-0119= ; H ==0120-0123
; Ks 0124-0127
10:26 - SN2010hq Spec Acquisition
- quite difficult to center object in the slit without a finding chart plus wrong slit (NB4 is now NB6)
10:50 - SN2010hq Spec Science
- slipped out of the slit, useless
- need to correct script - repeat acquisition and see if object within the slit
11:44 - reacquired and taken spectra for SN2010hq
- this time on-slit
12:00 - calibration unit does not come IN, cannot do arcs and flats, Olga tries to insert it by hand.....
12:15 - Hip34407 - Telluric for SN2010hq
- telluric acquisition
- telluric science script (5sec)
- repeat telluric with higher exposure time (10sec) because flux too low
12:35 - Calibration: Arc and Flats (cal unit activated by hand)
- FLAT : lamp OFF
, lamp ON 0193-202
- ARC: no arcs ???
13:05 - Darks
That's it, a very painful night
VincenzoTesta - 08 Oct 2010