INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 June17-18
Observer: V. Testa, K.Boutsia
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LUCIFER1 - LBC
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Mannucci |
210zJHK H |
2hr |
arc- flat- tell |
Mannucci |
210zJHK K |
35min |
arc- flat- tell |
Giallongo |
Q1623 |
Uspec, z-sloan |
30min |
OB 1 redone in spec |
Rigliaco |
Serpens |
Uspec, I-bessel |
30 min |
Rigliaco |
Serpens |
B-bessel, V-bessel |
10 min |
Rigliaco |
Serpens |
Uspec, R-bessel |
20 min |
Rigliaco |
Serpens |
Uspec, B-bessel, V-bessel, R-bessel |
5 min |
short frames |
02:30 - Opening the dome - starting interface
02:40 - Sky Flat fields
in the Ks band - imaging 0001-0036
in the J band 0037-0066
02:56 - TO unwraps azimuth so we won't hit limits
03:00 - Pointing Star near the field (WT10_385)
- Current IE = -84.5313
- Current CA = -61.8785
- Corrected IE = -50.0301
- Corrected CA = -51.3113
03:03 - Persson standard BS9145 for collimation (POSITION,ACTIVE)
03:07 - Collimated! - preset to Telluric for Mannucci HDFN H
- Guide star at the edge of field, moved out of position. Acquisition spolied!!
03:15 - Redo acquisition, star half out of the slit. Don't care, go on.
- No way. Change guide star and repoint!!!!!!
- Now it's ok,
03:22 - telluric Hnew
03:27 - Slew to HDFN for Mannucci H - acquisition-
03:41 - Mannucci_HDFN_H_3
04:47 - Y+1.5" offset, through slit to check
04:50 - Mannucci_HDFN_H_4
05:57 - Commit offset Y+1.5, change to K
- through-slit, slight offset, give X+0.24
- through-slit again with 10s * 2NDIT
06:03 - Mannucci_HDFN_K
- below elev. 40 started vibrations in the Autoguider.
- 8th integration already degraded
- stopped after 9th intergration
- first 7 integrations are fine
06:55 - go to telluric, does not find.
06:56 - correct pointing on ACT0376
- Current IE = -50.0301
- Current CA = -51.3113
- Corrected IE = -64.4889
- Corrected CA = -61.2641
07:03 - Slew to Telluric
- had to change three guide stars, it's always a pain in the.....neck!
- offset X+0.48
07:12 - Telluric!
07:19 - Arc & Flats
- Arc H
- Flat H
- Arc K
- Flat K
It took 45 minutes to do last telluric + calibration. This
must be counted as science time to the PI
07:55 - Meanwhile 5Bias_Bino to warmup
08:00 - Connected Telescope
- Slew to ACT0298 to correct pointing
- NEW CA, IE: -79.7 -51.7
- Corrected IE = -51.658227157489
- Corrected CA = -79.716838767769
08:04 - Slew to Q1623_Uspec_1 (redo since it was observed out of specs)
- dofpia
- R -2902 293 -82 680 1147 216 -47 0.49 1.30
- B -16143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 6.36
- R -304 -106 113 15 5 103 -15 0.46 0.16
- B -4266 -381 8 1100 285 -91 -56 0.62 1.76
- R 25 98 3 -36 -47 72 -12 0.47 0.10
- B -688 -3 -357 147 21 101 -20 0.73 0.31
- R -150 -157 141 74 33 83 -1 0.50 0.13
- B -71 271 27 -21 -18 50 -13 0.83 0.12 a bit perfectionist, huh?
- R -56 39 -254 -8 -3 24 -1 0.51 0.11
- B 33 -267 -26 12 -65 -33 -21 0.77 0.12 stopped!
08:13 - Q1623_Uspec_1
- 0.6" in Uspec, 0.5" in z-SLOAN!
- Uspec is not able to do IA on line, focus degrades as OB goes by
- z-SLOAN corrects the focus after every exposure and fwhm is wonderful throughout the OB
08:49 - Slew to Serpens
- dofpia
- R -673 9 -170 -139 -227 -30 6 0.54 0.31
- B 80 -150 -511 -111 224 -449 -5 0.88 0.35
- R 169 73 111 -16 36 56 -4 0.62 0.12
- B 255 155 -244 -17 20 -84 -1 0.92 0.16
- R -472 -160 39 -74 56 110 11 0.60 0.22
- B 89 -63 164 79 -12 -13 -6 0.84 0.11
08:56 - Serpens_UsI_1 repeat since it was out of spec
- Red out of focus immediately...
- Not even found a Z4 correction to apply at the end of the exposure...
- Stop and redo dofpia
- R 851 -35 -214 324 -53 -344 0 0.55 0.44
- B 1452 -122 -125 -24 -75 -471 8 0.84 0.65
- R 58 132 253 -386 68 -33 -6 0.52 0.21
- B 117 187 19 -92 15 -115 11 0.75 0.14
- R -6 -70 -16 156 0 -21 9 0.45 0.11
- B 351 -176 289 33 61 -126 -19 0.70 0.21
09:06 - Resend Serpens_UsI_1
- Red still soon out of focus, sciencec frames are good in the center and blurred (comatic?) at the edges
09:36 - dofpia
- R 436 79 -56 -631 -79 -196 -21 0.53 0.37
- B 1668 232 -85 126 -141 -431 -16 0.77 0.72
- R 48 32 261 290 67 56 9 0.65 0.18
- B -5 -138 230 46 114 -59 9 0.95 0.13
- R -201 86 -128 -127 62 2 8 0.69 0.14
- B 122 35 -400 13 18 -117 -6 0.90 0.17
09:42 - Serpens_UsBVI_1_half (second half or yesterday night)
- Still I-BESSEL with coma, perhaps filter offset to be redetermined?
- We gave Z7=500 to the red to try to improve things, right main mirror failed to focus but goes on.
- Z4+1000 to the red (09:58) it improved things a lot....
- Z4+1000 @10:10
10:16 - Serpens_UsR_1_complete
- to complete the OB interrupted on Jun 13 because of twilight
10:27 - dofpia
- R -204 -83 68 -531 20 -126 -3 0.66 0.28
- B 653 -220 238 -184 -48 -346 1 0.94 0.37
- R 73 32 131 -195 101 0 16 0.69 0.14
- B 43 64 -306 74 -23 -80 21 1.03 0.14
- R 761 -177 -152 337 -282 -235 0 0.66 0.40
- B 719 -60 72 72 -54 -271 9 1.00 0.34
- R -484 91 106 -108 50 106 22 0.82 0.23
- B -441 34 -202 -127 33 80 23 1.12 0.21
- R 123 5 -91 -54 -22 -107 -10 0.65 0.12
- B 488 261 190 93 -85 -168 -9 0.93 0.26 stopped
10:33 - Serpens_UsBVR_short
- short exposures for calibration
10:41 - Slew to NGC6791
- dofpia (6 iterations to converge, too late, sky is brightening move to standards)
- serious problems in focusing tonight....
10:54 - SA110_UsBV_VRI
11:08 - SA113_UsBV_IVR
11:19 - Slew to FF position
- Flats done: VV (10sec) - BR (2sec) -UsI (1sec) - UsZ (1sec)
11:55 - End of night - LUCIFER Darks
VincenzoTest - 17 Jun 2010