INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 April13-14
Observer: K.Boutsia, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: D.Gonzales Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LUCIFER1
Still a windy night. The dome opened ~1.5hr after twilight.
During the whole night the GCS and the DIMM were giving discrepant results. The seeing measured by imexam on some acquisition images was <1.0.
(08:00 UT) Time lost for an error in OFFSET TELESCOPE command.
(08:50 UT) Shortly after the dome was closed down due to increasing wind speed.
Data Summary
3:20 - Dome Open - Pointing correction procedure using ACT0305 (high-el) ACT0085 (low-el)
3:37 - End of pointing correction procedure
3:38 - Pointing refinement using Perssons BS9145 - ptcorr
3:44 - collimating on BS9145
3:49 - collimation ok - seeing 1"
3:50 - Preset for field acquisition - various images for field recognition
4:00 - MOS ACQ
4:03 - slit image
4:05 - End of field acquisition procedure *
4:06 - Start HDF script - 1h in H band - Seeing (0.8GCS - 1.2 DIMM ?!)
4:52 - GUIDE STAR LOST! 1.5" dimm
5:14 - End of the script
5:15 - Through slit image to measure the seeing - DIMM reports 1.6"!
5:20 - Image Acquisition to measure the seeing (0.8 arcsec) - GCS and DIMM not reliable.
5:30 - Start the second HDF script - 1h in H band
6:38 - End of the script
6:39 - Start Calibration - calibration unit in for arc e flat
6:39 - Arc script
6:45 - Flat script
6:50 - Slew to tellurinc star. No star!
6:55 - Execute ptcorr on the telluric
7:00 - Telluric integration script
7:06 - End of Calibration
7:10 - Slew to HDF science field
7:15 - Field acquisition #1
7:30 - guide star lost after applying an offset!! Telescope error
7:35 - Telescope jumps on the following image
7:36 - Pointing correction WT10_385
7:42 - Field acquisition #2!!
7:49 - End of acquisition procedure
7:50 - start HDF script 1h in H (seeing measured on image= 0.85)
8:05 - ERROR on the 3rt OFFSET - Telescope Error
8:26 - Start acquisition #3!!!
8:30 - Abort acquisition
8:31 - Changing field since the guide star is too faint. Slewing to Q1422
8:40 - Not converging since we are facing the wind!
8:48 - Closing Dome due to strong wind