INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 February15-16

Observer: V. Testa, K.Boutsia, F. Pedichini
Telescope Operator: D.Gonzales Huertak
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC


Good and smooth night. A power shortage made telescope and some computers crash.
LBC remained on though.

Data Summary

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Rigliaco NGC 2264 U,B,V,r 2 hrs Program completed
Fiore Cosmos Uspec 3h 30min  
Mereghetti LDRT Uspec ~ 1hr probably out of specs
SA95 Calibration Us U B g   standard field


01:20 - Open, thin clouds around try flats anyway

01:25 - SkyFlat Test U 1s: 25000 counts

01:27 - Sky Flat Uspec 5x2.0s :~ 30000counts

01:31 - Sky Flat Ubess 5x4.0s :~15000 counts

01:48 - Sky Flat B 5x2.0s: ~ 10000 counts

01:42 - Sky Flat rr 5x3.0s : ~ 8000 counts

01:50 - Sky Flat rr-rot180: ~ 6000 counts

01:55 - slew to SA95 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • -16335 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.63 6.44
  • superwrong
  • Z4=+15000, Z7=-3000 and retry

02:03 - dofpia,/BlueOnly,/Backout then dofpia,/Blueonly
  • 6223 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.06 2.45
  • -16496 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.89 6.50
  • Z7=-1000, Z8=-1000

02:07 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • -1991 -46 332 -564 -432 -351 150 0.66 0.88
  • 380 440 -148 25 -253 103 150 0.86 0.25
  • 1169 76 -968 116 -56 0 0 2.34 0.55
  • -9 528 -455 -138 139 0 0 2.39 0.24

02:18 - Not Convincing - redo
  • -1707 258 -453 -683 348 0 0 2.36 0.78
  • 1789 -83 -1953 301 -101 599 144 1.81 1.00
  • -322 -978 510 469 -46 0 0 2.17 0.42
  • -731 -158 573 85 -67 476 91 1.93 0.46

02:25 - SA95 UBVgrUs 1 pos, check the FWHM
  • FWHM ~4.95pix but weird shape. Astigmatism? Check 022644

02:30 - Slew to NGC2264_V2 and recollimate

02:32 - dofpia, /BlueOnly
  • -479 35 843 200 -174 640 5 1.60 0.53
  • -238 313 463 331 -158 34 -19 1.54 0.26

02:36 - NGC 2264_V2

03:20 - WT10_233 correct pointing
  • New CA=-64.9, IE=-12.2

03:22 - Slew to NGC 2264 and collimate
  • -3482 -744 11 383 228 44 -150 0.84 1.41 (pretty large positive spherical visible)
  • 434 264 208 274 157 -228 -150 0.88 0.29
  • 112 68 -178 32 -240 -131 -45 0.90 0.17

03:29 - NGC 2264 U2

03:53 Power failure. The telescope had to be restarted. 8 images of the OB (NGC 2264 U2) completed correctly so far.

04:15 slewing back to NGC 2264- dofpia,/Blueonly
  • -1500 -323 391 190 -95 -199 -150 0.84 0.63
  • 473 152 -201 95 39 -114 -44 0.93 0.23
  • -134 -300 38 64 75 -58 -33 0.82 0.14

04:21 - NGC 2264 U2 - resumed (last 4 images)

04:33 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • 610 -79 284 -108 197 -500 -42 0.84 0.43
  • 172 258 135 0 -133 -121 -6 0.69 0.17

04:40 - NGC 2264 B2

05:18 - dofpia,/Blueonly * 573 -307 164 200 -5 -296 54 0.66 0.33 * -388 308 -21 -27 -108 2 -12 0.70 0.20

05:21 - NGC 2264 R2

06:02 - slew to COSMOS - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • -1996 308 -248 62 107 -108 -4 0.65 0.80
  • 182 222 106 18 -10 -3 5 0.65 0.13

06:09 - cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P1_c

06:43 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • -335 -187 -40 50 -80 0 -6 0.61 0.17

06:46 - cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P1_d

07:20 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • -104 -307 -261 98 55 -103 18 0.74 0.17

07:23 - cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P1_e

07:59 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • 278 267 52 -96 -47 -36 9 0.71 0.17

08:01 - cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P1_f

08:35 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • 452 -381 -183 475 10 -7 53 0.79 0.31
  • -660 330 -193 31 -142 160 21 0.92 0.32
  • 359 -328 -445 -10 156 -185 26 0.99 0.27
  • -271 13 206 -182 -68 37 -16 0.89 0.17

08:42 - cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P2_a

09:17 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • -1785 -499 541 51 -74 173 6 1.04 0.75
  • -422 41 271 81 -92 203 -11 0.99 0.24
  • -161 258 -612 -40 -46 -50 -36 0.96 0.22
  • 200 -274 81 83 110 -28 -4 1.07 0.15

09:22 - cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P2_b

09:56 - dofpia,/Blueonly
  • -927 361 484 111 -407 186 -59 0.73 0.47
  • 53 159 219 234 -155 67 -68 0.77 0.18

10:00 - cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P2_c
  • Stopped after 3rd image. Elev dropping below accepted limit

10:21 - Slew to LDRT and check pointing

10:23 - ACT0401 - 102500
  • NEW CA, IE: -68.8 -31.1

10:27 - Back to LDRT - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • -867 -57 -585 42 5 135 10 0.84 0.40
  • -35 -140 -145 -110 -20 26 -11 0.98 0.11

10:31 - LDRT-Ui-2La (Mereghetti)
  • Most images have seeing>1.2

11:01 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • 1547 -591 309 -176 57 60 63 1.42 0.65
  • 187 40 -509 151 170 -43 40 1.22 0.21
  • 162 381 -55 -141 -59 -27 31 1.26 0.17

11:06 - LDRT-Ui-2Ra * Most images have seeing>1.3

11:34 - slew to GRB050505 (Palazzi) - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • -1629 0 302 254 -217 318 19 1.09 0.70
  • -1336 -222 -102 134 -129 243 28 1.16 0.56
  • -943 587 -55 6 39 211 -2 1.16 0.44
  • -91 -101 -378 -58 75 -54 16 1.31 0.15

11:44 - GRB050505_B * OB has been stopped after the 4th exposure due to low elev and seeing>1.6

12:04 - SA101 at z=2.90

12:19 - SA104_UBrUsV - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • 1973 -113 -54 -143 281 -308 -20 1.12 0.82
  • 672 -63 344 -104 32 -303 40 1.22 0.35
  • 279 56 165 3 -100 -159 38 1.23 0.18

12:25 - SA104_UBrUsV

12:39 - SA107_UsUBgVr

12:57 - SA104_UBrUsV

13:16 - SkyFlatTest_VV

13:27 - SkyFlat_VV_5

13:32 -SkyFlat_VV_rot180_5

13:36 -SkyFlat_rr_rot180_5:0.5 *2/5 flats saturated

13:39 -SkyFlat_B_rot180_5 :0.5s * stopped because saturated

13:41 -SkyFlat_U_5 :0.5s

13:46 - End of night

-- VincenzoTest - 16 Feb 2010
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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