INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 February14-15

Observer: V. Testa, K.Boutsia, F. Pedichini
Telescope Operator: WWack
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC


* Fernando on the mountain. LBC Red pumped and LN2 filled. Temp. and pressure are decreasing regularly. * Good weather, very thin clouds at the horizon.

Data Summary

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Rigliaco NGC 2264 V,r 1.0h  
Piotto M67 B 0.66h  
Giallongo Cosmos Uspec 3.0h  
Mereghetti LDTR Uspec 1.0h  
Fiore Cosmos Uspec 1.0h  
Giallongo Q1623 Uspec 1.0h  


00:58 - 5 Bias monoB

01:08 - 10Bias_Bino

01:13 - stopped bias 8/10. Slew to 04:50 , +27:00 for flats

01:15 - Sky Flat Test U 0.3s (~62000)

01:18 - Sky Flat U 5x0.5s PA=0
  • 1st one slightly saturated

01:22 - Sky Flat Uspec 5x0.8s PA=0

01:25 - Sky Flat B 5x0.5s PA=0

01:29 - Sky Flat B 5x1.0s PA=180

01:33 - SkyFlat V 5x2.0s PA=0

01:38 - Sky Flat V 5x5.0s PA=180

01:43 - Sky Flat r 5x10.0s PA=180

  • 800 counts. Strange behavior, looks like shutter got stuck. Test with V and r fast OBs.
  • Shutter seems not to be working. Try shutdown and restarting the camera.

02:00 - No way. Shutter in strange position
  • Try to move with testpower and minicom.
  • Succeeded.

02:20 - Exposure ok. Restart (35 min downtime, although it does not affect science time, as it happened during twilight)

02:23 - Slew to NGC 2264

02:25 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • Usual Z7 -3000 Needed

02:28 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • Big pupils. Z7 not applied. Also need Z4 +10000

02:32 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • still not converging properly, sends crazy Z4=-13544
  • Z4 +14000
  • Z7 -2000

02:38 - try again....
  • reached a reasonable fit
  • 1785 -3111 -1172 1214 -970 -688 150 0.00 1.46
  • 414 1075 -473 -1262 -248 -184 150 1.93 0.71
  • 171 1201 -202 237 -224 41 150 0.89 0.40
  • -439 144 277 51 102 0 0 2.14 0.22

02:45 - NGC 2264 V1
  • Out of focus since the beginning.
  • Stop and redo dofpia

  • -154 278 281 308 81 448 103 1.07 0.35
  • -756 226 96 168 -85 248 37 1.28 0.36
  • -97 138 90 155 -7 45 -44 1.36 0.13

02:55 - NGC 2264 V1

03:35 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • -935 -117 -522 1021 -134 327 -150 1.07 0.65
  • 168 74 726 -93 114 -191 -141 0.99 0.28
  • 275 46 261 78 21 -75 -59 0.93 0.17

03:42 - NGC 2264 R1

04:23 - Slew to M67 and dofpia
  • -3469 2 365 331 -192 -252 -150 0.78 1.39
  • 279 -47 233 -14 95 -132 -59 0.87 0.18

04:26 - WDs_M67_LONGB1 * Seeing around 1.0"

04:26 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • -475 -196 -211 -40 67 -98 -18 1.00 0.23
  • 508 -185 -404 -89 -16 -136 24 1.21 0.27
  • 61 265 -144 6 -67 -98 33 1.29 0.14

04:56 - WDs_M67_LONGB2
  • Seeing degraded, not worth continuing
  • Interrupted after 4th. Seeing going > 1.1"

05:15 - SA98_UBVgUs 1position

05:21 - slew to cosmos_G1_c, dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • -1203 297 254 196 -166 247 -5 1.06 0.53
  • -156 -201 -312 37 11 140 8 1.22 0.17

05:25 - cosmos_G1_c

05:56 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • 624 71 103 187 -7 163 22 0.90 0.29
  • 166 199 -62 -11 0 41 33 1.05 0.12

06:01 - cosmos_G1_d

06:31 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • -509 -267 -97 0 -110 66 7 0.99 0.24
  • -40 -153 404 -125 82 -58 -25 0.91 0.17
  • 197 -243 -334 87 -78 -5 2 1.04 0.17

06:37 - cosmos_G1_e

07:08 - dofpia,/BlueOnly * 54 169 491 -38 249 37 -2 0.98 0.21 * 450 -10 -285 -132 9 -109 7 0.80 0.23 * -61 105 -200 -65 45 44 0 0.87 0.12

07:14 - cosmos_G1_f

07:44 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • 659 240 -485 43 77 -145 17 1.01 0.33
  • -21 241 284 3 32 -28 4 0.93 0.14

07:48 - cosmos_G1_g

08:19 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • 40 -307 -159 107 -79 80 -4 0.84 0.15

08:22 - cosmos_G1_a

08:54 - slew to COSMOS-Fiore - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • -490 -260 -99 -17 -49 14 -13 0.80 0.23
  • -64 -182 -49 141 -14 -55 1 0.78 0.12

08:58 cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P1_a The exposure has been paused due to problems with the shutter. Once verified that the shutter is working correctly the exposure has been resumed.

  • -1905 -167 182 110 -5 82 10 0.79 0.76
  • -548 -53 252 -1 -65 64 -21 0.75 0.25
  • -50 188 97 -65 55 44 -6 0.72 0.11

09:45 - cosmos_Fiore_Uspec_P1_b

10:22 - SA104_UBgUsV

10:42 - slew to Q1623 - dofpia/BlueOnly
  • -165 373 573 -67 -345 -179 -32 0.78 0.30
  • 347 273 252 -110 92 0 -8 0.82 0.20

10:47 - Q1623_Uspec_3

11:21 - dofpia/BlueOnly
  • 1003 -351 -67 -180 51 -204 -25 0.72 0.44
  • 499 7 219 -93 -94 -195 -31 0.62 0.26
  • 448 249 -174 55 81 -146 1 0.67 0.24
  • -102 -213 356 195 19 92 5 0.67 0.18

11:27 - Q1623_Uspec!_4

* 12:02 * - Slew to Mereghetti - dofpia/BlueOnly
  • -675 -199 -917 52 -30 24 9 0.89 0.39
  • 64 -158 -394 22 -151 -67 17 0.91 0.17

12:08 - LDRT-Ui-1Ra (Mereghetti)
  • Slight problems with the guiding. After OB check the pointing
  • It seems to loose focus during a single exposure. Perhaps effect of forces? We re-collimated during exposures.

12:37 - ACT0401 Pointing Star
  • 123859 CA=-81 arcsec, IE left untouched (313,11 pix diff)

12:42 - Replay ACT0401
  • 124317 - 10 pix difference both directions.

12:44 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
  • 1296 -173 126 -48 156 -57 -7 0.68 0.53
  • 14 -165 84 -4 13 6 4 0.69 0.10

12:48 - LDRT_Ui_1Rb

13:19 - SA104_UBgUsV
  • very bright sky, these are actually good flats.

13:35 - End of Night

-- VincenzoTesta - 15 Feb 2010
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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