INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 February13-14
Observer: V. Testa, K.Boutsia
Telescope Operator: WWack
Support Astronomer: D. THompson
Instrument: LBC
* Good weather, thin clouds at the horizon.
* El. axis problem soon after opening. Evening flat fields lost
* Time lost: 90 min telescope
* Done standard star middle and end of night, the last during civil twilight
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Rigliaco |
NGC 2264 |
B, U |
0.8 h |
aver. seeing 0.9" |
Giallongo |
Q0933 |
g |
3.3h |
aver. seeing 1.0" |
Giallongo |
Cosmos |
g |
0.5h |
Mereghetti |
Uspec |
0.5h |
Giallongo |
Q1623 |
Uspec |
1.0h |
Calibration |
SA 107 |
Us,U,B,g,V,r |
0.6h |
two airmasses |
Calibration |
SA104 |
Us,U,B,g |
0.4h |
two airmasses |
01:05 - Open, try to point FF spot.
01:20 - El. axis fail to start
02:38 - Slew to Rigliaco field NGC 2264
02:39 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- -16752 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.33 6.60
- exited on the second iteration. Strong coma.
- clearly wrong. Put Z7=-2500, Z4=10000 and retry
02:46 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- Z4 still big but correctly fit. (+8900)
- error again. Still residual coma. Try Z7 -1000
- 1222 1234 -1837 -1891 -1393 -35 150 0.85 1.33
- -1084 -1012 555 1196 -367 31 150 1.65 0.79
- -701 454 139 -206 74 348 150 1.34 0.40
- -839 -116 496 177 -122 273 122 1.67 0.42
- -439 201 -161 48 -2 96 13 1.25 0.21
02:57 - Rigliaco_NGC2264_B1
- 025906 - 0.87" seeing, round.
- ~1.0 seeing at the end
03:37 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- -239 -153 535 689 7 -57 -150 0.94 0.37
- 629 -321 -453 -90 241 -131 -98 1.02 0.34
- -346 -196 -624 74 -10 184 -23 1.09 0.28
- 511 -47 409 -87 18 -345 -89 0.98 0.33
- 34 252 260 127 -73 -107 -5 0.99 0.16
03:45 - Rigliaco_NGC2264_U1
04:15 - Slew to Giallongo Q0933
04:17 - dopfia/BlueOnly
- -3622 -10 99 261 -86 210 -24 1.03 1.44
- 112 -117 -23 86 -75 -60 -71 1.09 0.12
04:22 - Q0933_g-SLOAN_giallongo_a
04:57 - dofpia/BlueOnly
- 660 -42 297 -103 125 -336 -110 1.03 0.36
- 277 37 -254 -415 -140 -86 -3 1.00 0.26
- went out of synchro, not finding the image, and hence no pupils found
05:04 - ctrl/C backout Z11 and restart dofpia,/BlueOnly
05:06 - dofpia,/BlueOnly,/X2
- 248 -457 68 186 4 -247 -9 1.04 0.26
- 97 186 -160 -36 -20 34 -50 0.95 0.12
05:10 - Q0933_g-SLOAN_giallongo_b
05:46 - dofpia,/BlueOnly,/X2
- 865 262 -494 379 4 -345 39 1.18 0.48
- -173 -377 865 6 -65 25 5 1.11 0.30
- -161 -151 -336 -53 -23 66 27 1.23 0.16
05:51 - Q0933_g-SLOAN_giallongo_c
Lost focus at the last iterations
06:27 - dofpia/Blueonly/X2
- -411 216 3 -17 23 115 44 1.61 0.20
06:29 - Q0933_g-SLOAN_giallongo_d
- Looses focus as OB goes by. Probably related to high elevation and failure of collimation model at -2.5C.
- Quite strange because it did fine before.
07:04 - dofpia/BlueOnly/X2
- -1427 444 100 14 346 258 48 1.27 0.63
- 116 -523 79 151 326 14 4 1.35 0.24
07:09 - Q0933_g-SLOAN_giallongo_e
07:45 - dofpia,/BlueOnly,/X2
- -545 -335 -415 200 -204 396 -41 1.02 0.40
- 71 210 58 189 -10 -52 -79 1.01 0.14
07:49 - Q0933_g-SLOAN_giallongo_f
Always focus change during OB
08:25 - dofpia,/BlueOnly,/X2
- -1432 -175 15 176 71 -205 16 1.09 0.59
- -769 -171 -129 -196 -99 64 20 1.09 0.34
- -439 471 42 -26 -322 87 -13 1.19 0.28
08:30 - Q0933_g-SLOAN_giallongo_g
Probably photometric. Do two standard fields, at low and high elevation
09:07 - SA107 UBVUsgr 4pos
09:29 - SA104
UBgUs 4 pos
09:41 - Slew to Cosmos field
09:43 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- -2760 -95 -220 373 -93 75 78 1.54 1.11
- -1192 -247 130 75 7 251 -46 1.22 0.51
- -125 -24 262 -15 98 6 -48 1.09 0.13
09:48 - cosmosG1_b
10:20 - Slew to Q1623 and collimate
10:22 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- -1431 564 139 74 13 -28 96 1.35 0.60
- -323 70 239 -111 -163 48 38 1.32 0.19
10:26 - Q1623_Uspec_1
Low elevation yet. Seeing above 1.4", stop. Slew to Mereghetti
10:34 - slew to LDRT_Ui-1La
10:36 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- -831 -520 -568 159 143 131 16 1.25 0.43
- -212 -60 -232 -1 -40 102 -78 0.98 0.15
10:39 - LDRT_Ui-1La (Mereghetti)
- seeing ~1.2 , slightly above constraints improves during OB play
- guiding star sometimes moves around
11:11 - Slew to Q1623 and dofpia,/BlueOnly
- 2326 283 38 -63 -233 -83 14 1.12 0.93
- 407 279 52 -52 -32 -59 13 1.08 0.20
11:14 - Q1623_Uspec_1
11:49 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- 1079 -275 383 -372 37 -284 29 1.12 0.52
- -224 -188 425 145 100 167 4 1.08 0.22
11:53 - Q1623_Uspec_2
- seeing 1.15 to 1.35, slightly above constraints
12:30 Slew to SA107 UBVUsgr 4pos and dofpia,/BlueOnly
- -1997 11 -680 245 90 -7 83 0.96 0.82
- -309 89 -159 -110 91 69 27 1.01 0.17
12:35 - SA107_UsUBgVr
12:51 - SA104_UBgUs
13:07 - Slew to Flat Field spot and wait the sky brightening
13:16 -
SkyFlat_g 5x5s PA=0
13:20 -
SkyFlat g 5x5s PA=180
Redo g 3s (~20000 cts)
13:32 -
SkyFlat B 5x4s PA=0 last one slightly saturated
13:36 -
SkyFlat B 5x2s PA=180 slightly saturated too....
13:41 -
SkyFlat Uspec 5x1s PA=180
13:44 - Sky Flat U 5x0.7s PA=180
13:48 - Sky Flat Uspec 5x0.5s PA=0, saturates quite soon, aborted.
13:51 - End of Night
VincenzoTesta - 14 Feb 2010
Accidental overwrite with notes from Feb 14-15, can probably delete the following content (dthompson)
INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 February14-15
Observer: V. Testa, K.Boutsia
Telescope Operator: WWack
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC
* Fernando on the mountain. LBC Red pumped and LN2 filled. Temp. and pressure are decreasing regularly.
* Good weather, very thin clouds at the horizon.
Data Summary
00:58 - 5 Bias monoB
01:08 - 10Bias_Bino
01:13 - stopped bias 8/10. Slew to 04:50 , +27:00 for flats
01:15 - Sky Flat Test U 0.3s (~62000)
01:18 - Sky Flat U 5x0.5s PA=0
- 1st one slightly saturated
01:22 - Sky Flat Uspec 5x0.8s PA=0
01:25 - Sky Flat B 5x0.5s PA=0
01:29 - Sky Flat B 5x1.0s PA=180
01:33 -
SkyFlat V 5x2.0s PA=0
01:38 - Sky Flat V 5x5.0s PA=180
01:43 - Sky Flat r 5x10.0s PA=180
- 800 counts. Strange behavior, looks like shutter got stuck. Test with V and r fast OBs.
- Shutter seems not to be working. Try shutdown and restarting the camera.
02:00 - No way. Shutter in strange position
- Try to move with testpower and minicom.
- Succeeded.
02:20 - Exposure ok. Restart (35 min downtime, although it does not affect science time, as it happened during twilight)
02:23 - Slew to NGC 2264
02:25 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
02:28 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- Big pupils. Z7 not applied. Also need Z4 +10000
02:32 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- still not converging properly, sends crazy Z4=-13544
- Z4 +14000
- Z7 -2000
02:38 - try again....
- reached a reasonable fit
- 1785 -3111 -1172 1214 -970 -688 150 0.00 1.46
- 414 1075 -473 -1262 -248 -184 150 1.93 0.71
- 171 1201 -202 237 -224 41 150 0.89 0.40
- -439 144 277 51 102 0 0 2.14 0.22
02:45 - NGC 2264 V1
- Out of focus since the beginning.
- Stop and redo dofpia
- -154 278 281 308 81 448 103 1.07 0.35
- -756 226 96 168 -85 248 37 1.28 0.36
- -97 138 90 155 -7 45 -44 1.36 0.13
02:55 - NGC 2264 V1
03:35 - dofpia,/BlueOnly
- -935 -117 -522 1021 -134 327 -150 1.07 0.65
- 168 74 726 -93 114 -191 -141 0.99 0.28
- 275 46 261 78 21 -75 -59 0.93 0.17
03:42 - NGC 2264 R1
VincenzoTesta - 15 Feb 2010