INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 January 16-17
Observer: V. Testa, F. Mannucci
Telescope Operator: WWack
Instrument: LBC
* Thin and thick clouds all the night, seeing around 1"
* ~6 hours of scientific data, partly affect by low transparency
* Time lost: 30 min at UT=2 for collimation, 40min for clouds, 15min for "fiber link failure" at UT=13
Data Summary
Project |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Palazzi |
GRB070714 |
U |
15min |
problems with collimation |
Palazzi |
GRB070714 |
V |
30min |
Palazzi |
GRB070714 |
B |
30min |
Palazzi |
GRB070714 |
U |
30min |
Giallongo |
Q0933 |
G |
4.0 h |
Giallongo |
G |
40 min |
01:10 - clouds everywhere
01:20 - opening dome, LBC cannot read ALT/AZ from ETC
01:55 - much better sky, going to a pointing star; seeing~1.1"
02:05 -
GRB070714 - Palazzi, filtro U,
02:20 - problems with collimation from the beginning, the guide star eppear double or out of focus. Integration aborted after ~15min, new collimation of the telescope
02:25 -
GRB070714, filter B
02:37 - same problems with collimation , lost focusing, aborted
02:40 -
GRB070714, filter V, collimation is conserved for ~20 min, seeing~1.3"
03:25 -
GRB070714, filter U, 30 min, seeing~1", collimation OK
04:10 -
GRB070714, filter B, 30 min, seeing~1"
05:00 - STD: SA95,
UUsBVgr, AM=1.3
05:15 - pointing and collimation
05:30 -
Q0933 - Giallongo, G, field=A AM=1.5, seeing~1.0", thin clouds
06:05 - collimation. Clouds (~3mag of attenuation), running the OB to monitor transparency
06:50 - better transparency, starting again
06:50 -
Q0933, G, 30 min, field B, seeing~0.9"
07:40 -
Q0933, G, 30 min, field C, seeing~1.2"
08:20 -
Q0933, G, 30 min, field D, seeing~1.0", thin clouds
09:00 -
Q0933, G, 30 min, field E, seeing~0.9", thicker clouds passing
09:40 -
Q0933, G, 30 min, field F
10:30 - pointing: no stars because of clouds
10:45 -
Q0933, G, 30 min field G
11:20 -
Q0933, G, 30 min, B again to compensate for lower transmission
12:00 -
COSMOS - Giallongo, G, field A, seeing=1.2"
12:40 -
COSMOS - Giallongo, G, field B
13:00 - trackers stopped after 5 images, "fiber link failure"
13:15 - sky brightening, night ends
FilippoMannucci - 17 Jan 2010