INAF LBC+LUCIFER queue observing, 2010 January 15-16

Observer: V. Testa, F. Mannucci, D. Thompson
Telescope Operator: WWack
Instrument: LUCIFER
Data filename root: luci.20100116


* clear at the beginning of the night, thin and thicker clouds later; seeing around 1.0-1.2" during the first half of he night, 0.5" later
* Lost Time: 15 min beginning of night for pointing; 30 min at 5:30 UT for lost collimation; 20 min at 10 UT for lost collimation

* Full logbook

Data Summary

Files Project Object Notes
0186-0209 Longhetti S2F1-142 150K, 2h, seeing~0.9"
0216-0224 Longhetti S2F1-142 150K, 45min
0279-0283 Turatto SN2009kn 200HK, 25min, flexures
0342-0360 Mannucci Q1422+22 K, 29 min, probably useless
0284-0307 Turatto SN2009kn 200HK, 2.5h


0002-0016 2sec x 10
0017-0031 10sec x 9
0032-0040 15sec x 6
0042 300sec x 1
0421-0425 300sec x 1

Sky flats
Files Filter Counts
0043-0052 Ks ~12000
0061-0071 Ks ~7000
0072-0091 H 15000-7000
0092-0111 J 11000-5000
0113-0133 Ks 300
0134-0153 H 900
0154-0173 J 900

01:00 - sky almost clear, a few thin clouds
01:10 - Pointing, collimation
01:40 - S2F1-142 - Longhetti, pointing 0180-0184
01:55 - S2F1-142 : 150_K, 300sec X 24 0186-0210, seeing~0.9"
04:18 - S2F1-142: check alignment (0210-0215)
04:22 - S2F1-142 : 150_K, 1h (0216-0227): clouds towards the end of the integration, abort
05:17 - Flat, halo1+halo2, dit=3, nexp=5 0225-0244
05:22 - Arc Ar + Ne: dit=30 (0245-0248)
05:26 - collimation lost while going to the std, possibly because of temperature jump of 4 deg. Pointing and collimation
05:58 - Telluric STD: Hip 13917: grating=150K (0257-0258). No collimation
06:08 - Telluric STD: Hip 13917: grating=200H_K (0259-0260)
06:27 - SN2009kn - Turatto pointing 0270-0278
06:54 - SN2009kn : grating=200H+K, dit=300, 25min : variation in line position
07:25 - SN2009kn: start again setting central_W=1.93 0284-0307: thin clouds at the end
09:45 - Flat, haol1+halo2, 0317-0326
09:48 - Arc Ar + Ne: 0327-0330
0956 - Telluric STD Hip37787: grating 200_H+K 0336-0337
10:05 - problems with active control, elongated guide star, lost 20 min
10:29 - Q1422 - Mannucci K, 0342-0360, seeing~0.5": aborted due to clouds (~1 mag )
11:25 - SN2009dc - Turatto, J, 0361-0420
01:50 - Darks 0421-0425

-- FilippoMannucci - 15 Jan 2010
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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